User:T3liph0n3/projects - Wikipedia
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The following are projects that I am working on in the short ammount of time I get to spend wikipedia-ing.

As I know that the city of Albury has a very rich history and all, I have made a project to fill in the history section of its wikipedia article. I think I have done a pretty good job at writing a history from its inception until the 1880s when rail first arrived in the township (rather than simply saying it was developed as a border post because of the two states what is a lie told by people not prepared to look into the citie's history), but now I want to explain:
- some of the towns Mayors.
- Spanish Flu's effect on the border and the creation of the Albury Base Hospital in 1918.
- The demolishing of Union Bridge and the building of the War Memorial from its ruble.
- loss of the cities WWI and WWII war trophies.
- building of the Town Hall and the moving to the modern Council Chambers.
- Effects of the Great Depression.
- Creation of the Liberal Party (what occured in Albury).
- airport and the story of its creation.
- The building of the Hume Dam.
- The immigration camps.
- the building of the schools (at least there dates) and the changing of name of North Albury to James Fallon High School.
- post september 11 scare of anthrax packages on the steps of the court house.

I am currently looking into Vernadsky's history as I am reading his work in relation to Economics. But have found that no one has yet really put up the history of Vernadsky on Wikipedia, so I will endeavour to do just that.
The following are a list of characters that also will need a little filling in to understand Vernadsky's history:
- Alexey P. Pavlov a geologist Vernadsky studied under (Who was Vernadsky's mentor).
- Natasha Vernadsky his wife.
- Zeitel a scientist who took him on excursions through Europe in the summer break 1888 (where Vernadsky decided to become a Minerologist).
- Scacchi a famous crystalographer Vernadsky tried to study under - but Scacchi was senile by the time he got a chance.
- Paul Groth a chemist at the University of Munich that Vernadsky ended up studying under.
- Grote a physist at the University of Munich to enabled Vernadsky to use his lab equipment.
- Zonke a guy who had a good lab and machines to measure capillary action in crystals (both in liquid and gaseous form).
- Mutman a project partner of Vernadsky's (while studying under Paul Groth.
- LeChatelier who most likely could be responsible for Vernadsky's strong "imperic" basis (as LeChatelier even refused to use abstractions like force in his teachings in France).