
Vestiaritai - Wikipedia

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The See RfD vestiaritai (Greek: βεστιαρῖται, sg. βεστιαρίτης, vestiarites) were a corps of imperial bodyguards and fiscal officials in the Byzantine Empire, attested from the 11th to the 15th centuries.

History and functions


The See RfD vestiaritai appear in the mid-11th century, with the first known See RfD vestiarites, John Iberitzes, attested in 1049.[1] As their name indicates, they had a connection to the imperial wardrobe and treasury, the See RfD vestiarion, probably initially raised as a guard detachment for it. From circa 1080 on, they were formally distinguished into two groups: the "inner" or "household" See RfD vestiaritai (See RfD eso or See RfD oikeioi vestiaritai), attached to the emperor's private treasury (the See RfD eso or See RfD oikeiakon vestiarion) under a See RfD megas primikerios, and the "outer" (See RfD exo vestiaritai) under a See RfD primikerios, who were probably under the public or state treasury (See RfD basilikon vestiarion).[2] Gradually, they replaced various other groups of armed guards that the Byzantine emperors had employed inside Constantinople itself, such as the See RfD manglabitai or the See RfD pantheotai, and became the exclusive corps of the emperor's confidential agents.[3] As the princess and historian Anna Komnene writes, they were the courtiers "closest" to the emperor.[1] With the military crisis of the 1070s, they were also formed into a regular palace guard regiment, serving alongside the Varangian Guard in the Komnenian-era army.[4][5]

The See RfD vestiaritai are attested as late as 1387, and likely continued to exist after.[1] In the 13th and 14th centuries, however, their role was chiefly fiscal: they were responsible for levying soldiers and wagons from the provinces, under the control of the See RfD domestikos of the themes of the East.[1][6] The chief of the See RfD vestiaritai was called See RfD protovestiarites (πρωτοβεστιαρίτης) in the 13th and 14th centuries (not to be confused with the much older and more important office of See RfD protovestiarios). The title is attested as late as 1451, when it was held by the historian George Sphrantzes.[7][8] In the mid-14th century Book of Offices of Pseudo-Kodinos, it ranks nineteenth in the order of precedence, following the See RfD logothetes tou genikou.[9] According to the same work, its insignia were: a wooden staff (See RfD dikanikion) with gold and red-gold knobs, a See RfD skiadion hat with embroidery of the See RfD klapoton type, another type of hat called See RfD skaranikon of white and gold silk with gold-wire embroidery and images of the emperor in the front and back, and a silk robe of office or See RfD kabbadion.[10]

  1. ^ a b c d ODB, p. 2163.
  2. ^ Oikonomides 1976, p. 130.
  3. ^ Oikonomides 1976, p. 129.
  4. ^ Bartusis 1997, p. 271.
  5. ^ Oikonomides 1976, pp. 129–130.
  6. ^ Guilland 1967, Tome I, p. 589.
  7. ^ ODB, pp. 1750, 2163.
  8. ^ Guilland 1967, Tome II, pp. 203–209.
  9. ^ Verpeaux 1966, p. 137.
  10. ^ Verpeaux 1966, p. 157.