
Wikipedia:New pages patrol/Resources - Wikipedia

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This page is designed to be a collection of resources and links useful to New Page Patrollers (NPP).

Subject-specific guidelines


Also referred to as subject notability guidelines (SNG)

  • Academic (also known as: NPROF, PROF, SCHOLAR, ACADEMIC, TEACHER)
  • Astronomical objects (also known as: NASTRO)
  • Books (also known as: NBOOK, BK, NB)
  • Events (also known as: N(E), EVENT, NEWSEVENT, NNEWS, NEVENTS)
  • Films (also known as: NFILM, NOTFILM, NF, FILMNOT, MOVIE)
  • Geographic features (also known as NGEO, NGEOG, NGEOGRAPHY, NFEAT)
  • Music (also known as NMG, NMUSIC, NM)
  • Numbers (also known as WINI, NUMBER)
  • Organizations and companies (also known as ORG, CORP, NCORP, GROUP, COMPANY)
  • People (also known as BIO, NBIO, PERSON, PEOPLE, BLPNOTE)
  • Sports (also known as ATH, ATHLETE, NSPORT, NSPORTS)
  • Web (also known as WEB, NWEB, WEBPAGE, WEBSITE, WEBNOTE)

Unofficial "practical" guides


Right / Pseudoright Current list Requests
New Page Patroller List (does not include sysops who also have the PERM) requests
Autopatrolled List requests
Redirect autopatrolled List (does not include those with regular Autopatrolled) requests

Gadgets can be installed via the 'preferences' link in the top right of the page, and User Scripts must be installed at your your common.js page (instructions).

Other useful scripts
