
Popular Science Monthly/Volume 35 - Wikisource, the free online library

Table of Contents
May 1889
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science: Medicine III 1
Glass-Making II 16
The Convict-Island of Brazil-Fernando de Noronha 33
The Strange Markings on Mars 41
Beginnings in Science at Mugby School 56
Agnosticism 64
Growth of the Beet-Sugar Industry 85
Eggs in Chemistry and Commerce 92
Botanical Gardens 105
The Desert of Gobi and the Himalayas 111
Sketch of Rudolf Clausius 117
Correspondence 122
Editor's Table 124
Literary Notices 127
Publications Received 135
Popular Miscellany 136
Notes 143
Obituary Notes 144
June 1889
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science: Medicine IV 145
Glaciers on the Pacific Coast 155
Agnosticism: A Rejoinder 163
Fungi I 187
Fabulous Astronomy 194
The Production of Beet-Sugar 199
Mischief-Makers in Milk 211
Is Christian Science a Craze? 216
Cowardly Agnosticism 225
The Animal World of Well-Waters 251
The Chinook Language or Jargon 257
Sketch of William Graham Sumner 261
Correspondence 268
Editor's Table 270
Literary Notices 274
Publications Received 283
Popular Miscellany 284
Notes 287
Obituary Notes 288
Memorial Windows: Advertisement Adv
July 1889
What Is Civil Liberty? 289
A Study of Suicide 303
Sea-Butterflies 313
Farm-Life in China 323
Christianity and Agnosticism 327
An Explanation to Prof Huxley 349
Fungi II 350
The Artificial Propagation of Sea-Fishes 359
Railway Maladjustments 367
Muscle and Mind 377
Kinship in Polynesia 392
Some of the Limitations of Medicine 396
Sketch of Henry Carvill Lewis 401
Correspondence 409
Editor's Table 410
Literary Notices 412
Publications Received 421
Popular Miscellany 422
Notes 431
Obituary Notes 432
August 1889
The Spirit of Manual Training 433
Agnosticism and Christianity 447
Life in the Solomon Islands 476
Scientific Charity 488
The Influence of Race in History 495
The Stone Age in Heathen Sweden 504
Electrical Waves 509
The Wastes of Modern Civilization I 514
Home-Made Apparatus 519
The Defensive Armor of Plants 522
Blood-Vengeance and Pardon in Albania 529
Mr Mallock on Optimism 531
Savage Life in South America 542
Sketch of Lavoisier 548
Editor's Table 557
Literary Notices 557
Publications Received 567
Popular Miscellany 568
Notes 575
Obituary Notes 576
September 1889
A Study from Life 577
Recent Economic Changes 584
The Surface Tension of Liquids 591
The Value of Witness to the Miraculous 601
Museums of Household Products 617
The Wastes of Modern Civilization II 621
The Ethical View of Protection 626
Some Modern Aspects of Geology 640
Animal Life in the Gulf Stream 649
Huxley and Pasteur on the Prevention of Hydrophobia 663
Origin of the Rights of Property 666
Arctic Ice and its Navigation 677
A Corner of the Dutch East Indies 685
Sketch of Joseph Lovering 690
Editor's Table 698
Literary Notices 701
Publications Received 710
Popular Miscellany 711
Notes 718
Obituary Notes 720
October 1889
Pensions for All 721
The Old and the New Phrenology 730
Life at the Cameroons 748
Evolution as Taught in a Theological Seminary 754
The Art of Prolonging Life 759
Education in Ancient Egypt 774
The Bronze Age in Sweden 778
Anthropology at Washington 786
Digestion and Related Functions 795
The Chemist as a Constructor 801
Industrial Family Names 808
The Home of the Ferns 814
Origin of Some General Errors 819
The Pleasure of Motion 824
The History of the Fork 831
Sketch of Carolus Linnæus (Carl von Linné) 835
Editor's Table 842
Literary Notices 847
Publications Received 855
Popular Miscellany 856
Notes 863
Obituary Notes 864
Index 865