
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Mount Holyoke College - Wikisource, the free online library

MOUNT HOLYOKE (hōl'yōk) COLLEGE, a college for women at South Hadley, Mass. It was founded by Mary Lyon (q.v.); chartered in 1836 and opened in 1837 under the name of Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. From the first it has had a reputation for thorough scholarship; the curriculum was gradually enlarged and the entrance requirements raised until a full college course was given and the old seminary course entirely superseded. In 1888 the name was changed to Mount Holyoke Seminary and College, and in 1893 to Mount Holyoke College. Formerly three degrees were given, A.B., B.S. and B.L.; but A.B. is now the only degree conferred. The course is arranged in two years of required and two years of elective work; the curriculum in addition to other subjects may include courses in education, biblical history and literature, music and art; a limited amount of technical work in the two latter courses may count toward the degree. Provision is also made for graduate work leading to the degree of A.M., and for special work for teachers. Graduates are entitled to fellowships in the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, and in the similar school at Rome; also to the advantages of the Zoological Station at Naples and the Marine Biological Station at Wood's Hole, Mass. Entrance to the college is by examination, or by certificate from approved schools. The campus now includes over 150 acres; the principal buildings are Mary Lyon Hall, which occupies the site of the original building destroyed by fire in 1896, the Dwight Memorial Art building, Lydia Shattuck Hall for the physics and chemistry departments, the Lyman Winston Hall for the other sciences, the Skinner Recitation Hall, the observatory, the gymnasium, the Student-Alumnae Hall which contains a large auditorium and offices for the college organizations and publications and for the alumnae secretary, seven large and four small residence halls, and the library which contained in 1915, 58,200 volumes; there are also plant houses and botanical gardens. Full attention is given to physical training; regular gymnasium work is required for the first three years of the course, and there is provision for basket ball and tennis. In 1915 the productive funds of the college amounted to $1,390,219.15, the income for the year was $372,939.39; the students numbered 791, the faculty 93 with a staff of 27 assistants, and the total number of graduates, 4,870.