Women of the West/Oregon - Wikisource, the free online library
The development of no state in the West has a finer base in its pioneer women than has Oregon.. . . As are the roots, so will be the blossoms,—and Oregon's roots are of sturdy fibre and go deep in the virgin soil.. . . In the beginning, there was Sacajawea, the Indian woman who as guide, made the way to the coast through warring tribes possible for Lewis and Clark.. . . Later, there was Narcissa Whitman, the young bride of Marcus Whitman, the Presbyterian missionary about whose name war is still waged as to whether he did or did not save Oregon to the Union; but the heroism of whose wife, giving her life for the planting of Gospel teaching in the raw new West, is not disputed. . . Later still there were the mothers of two of America's most renowned poets, Edwin Markham and Joaquin Miller; the former a poet herself with many excellent contributions to her credit to be found in the old files of one of Oregon's earliest prints, the Spectator, published at Oregon City; the latter a sturdy pioneer mother, carrying on the business of education and character building among her children in a log cabin hewed out of the primitive Oregon forest. . . . And still later, when the suffrage movement began to stir the world, there were Abigail Scott Duniway, Dr. Mary Thompson and Dr. Owens-Adair, women who gave their years and energies to the long fight for votes; the two physicians being among the first women ever admitted to medical colleges anywhere in the world, and Dr. Owens-Adair being a pioneer in the movement for surgical treatment for all criminals and insane, and the mother of the first bill authorizing this treatment ever passed by any legislature.. . . Practical ends were not overlooked. Mrs. Lord, widow of an early Oregon governor, devoted years of study to flax, and the demonstration that the highest quality for linen-weaving could be grown, commercially, in Oregon—thus connecting her name forever with this industry in its infancy.. . . Other names stand equally high in Oregon's history; these only suggest the various avenues of progress in which her women have gone ahead, carrying banners.
Dauntless as the courage of their mothers and grandmothers who crossed the plains in covered wagons, is the courage and faith of the present day women of Oregon, the women who are doing things, whether it be homemaking, office managing, law enforcing or achieving success in the arts, sciences, or in literature. In each center of population in every district of the great state, culture is a keynote. The women of Oregon have done much to establish this fact. Women's clubs, organized in small towns and villages, in logging camps and mountain and seashore communities, have been the means of starting libraries, social and recreational advantages which are of inspiring influence in the state.
Not many of the women of Oregon have struck out for individual honors, but thousands of them have stood firm for political and civic righteousness. Long years ago, Abigail Scott Duniway was known as a pioneer striving for the ballot for womankind. The service she rendered, with the help of those who worked with her in the cause, can not be overestimated. She was the type of pioneer Oregon woman, determined, intelligent, capable, untiring in her efforts. Certain similar traits are to be found in many of the women living now who have contributed to woman's work in Oregon.
Sarah A. Evans, past president of the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs, a market inspector of Portland for many years, is another great character. Mrs. Frederick Eggert, who so ably piloted the destinies of the scholarship loan fund, is another.
The City Federation of Women's Clubs of Portland, recently had as its president, a young woman who is known as a "judge," an attorney of rare ability.
The landscape architectural work of Portland, the international rose test garden and many of the loveliest gardens of lovely Portland, are the work of a young professional woman, Florence Holmes Gerke.
The Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, is a large and prosperous institution, managed by Emily Loveridge, capable, clever and good, an executive with a heart, as well as a wealth of professional ability.
In Eastern Oregon, there are bright women managing large wheat ranches and business concerns. In Southern Oregon, women head many of the largest enterprises. In legislative bodies, they have won renown. As heads of large schools, they have shown splendid leadership. In business, as realtors, office managers, and as heads of large stores, women are winning recognition.
The Oregon women have a way of doing things that bespeaks determination, courage, ability and love for their work. Above all, the women of Oregon are makers of homes. Early in the history of the Oregon country, schools and colleges were established and women were active in every enterprise of a cultural nature.
Breaking the westward trail for the covered wagon, strong-hearted women fared forth "across the plains" with their husbands in quest of homes on the Pacific Coast. The women who established these first homes were a self-effacing type, busy with household cares and the training of large families, but they carried "the torch of civilization" with them. They were women who must have a curtain at the cabin window, a puncheon floor scoured as clean as home-made soft soap and water could make it, and a low rocking chair by the evening fireside where little children gathered at their knees to lisp their bedtime prayers. Where they lived there must be a puncheon shelf for the Bible, Webster's Blue-backed Spelling Book and McGuffy's Reader. They seldom voiced their sufferings. They asked but little; if their children could have religious and educational advantages they followed their husbands meekly enough.
The crossing was hazardous. Two thousand miles in a summer with an ox team hitched to a springless wagon! This was the prospect ahead of a wife whose husband decided to "go west" in the 1840's. Oregon then was that vast stretch of country west of the Rocky Mountains, north to the Canadian border and south to the forty-second parallel. The country was unsettled except for the Hudson Bay Company's post at Vancouver and a few French-Canadian farmers on French Prairie who had settled down with their Indian wives when their term of service with the company was over.
The suffering of the crossing has been recounted over and over. The work of building homes in a wild new country where the family must depend almost entirely upon its own resources for the first hard years was bravely undergone. The woman's side of the great colonizing movement has never been greatly stressed, but in reality, at least an equal share of the subduing of the wilderness fell upon their capable shoulders. The law and order from which civilization springs on a frontier came with the silent, unassuming women with babies in their arms and little children clinging to their skirts. Government must be firmly established if women and children were to live in safety. School and churches must be maintained. The mental and moral welfare of the settlement must be attended to for the sake of the children. Women insisted on this. Women have ever been the civilizing influence.
At first there was a grim hand-to-hand struggle for food, clothing, and shelter, so the women could not give attention to the broadening of their mental horizons, but always the deepseated ambition in the hearts of the mothers was to smooth the path of their daughters, to provide for them more advantages than they had enjoyed.
The dawn of the age of machinery in the next generation brought about the gradual emancipation from the abject drudgery of the household. Spinning, weaving and soap-making were taken out of the home. The invention of the typewriter opened up undreamed-of avenues for the daughters of the family to earn a living. The seeds of ambition planted in the hearts of the daughters of sacrificing pioneer mothers bore fruit in the lives of the next two generations. They began blazing mental and spiritual frontiers.
With the entering of broader fields of labor, changes in the attitude of women toward their work took place. Agitation for equal suffrage was begun and carried on to victory in the West by a daughter of one of Oregon's earliest pioneers; Abigail Scott Duniway was a trail-blazer just as her mother had been before her. Volumes might be written about these heroic women who opened the professions, the arts and the sciences to their sisters. Dr. Owens-Adair and Dr. Mary Thompson took up the study of medicine and practiced in spite of almost unsurmountable obstacles. Mary A. Leonard demanded to be admitted to practice law at the Oregon bar and special legislation was enacted so that she might be admitted. The old idea that woman's only place was in the home, even after the occupations of the home had been lightened by machinery, still prevailed. The spirit that subdued the frontier must break down the opposition to women in the larger housekeeping which has to do with the affairs of the country.
It is fifty years or so too soon to tell the story of that pivotal generation of women who, while rearing their families, set their faces steadily to affairs outside the home. These, too, are the pioneer women to whom we must pay homage along with the subduers of the western frontier who were their mothers and grandmothers. They deserve veneration for their bravery. For so long as civilization shall carry on we will have these unassuming pioneers who will break down barriers and subdue other than actual frontiers, and women will do their part shoulder to shoulder with men just as they did in the 1840's when the West was transformed in less than seventy years into a great commonwealth.
There is something romantic and appealing about frontier or pioneer life. The thrill of living next to nature and battling with her forces, and the wholesomeness of life in the wide spaces all have their appeal to the average man or woman. This frontier life develops a hardiness of character and staunchness of soul that has had much to do with America's miraculous and speedy ascent to her place among nations of the world.
The "49" gold rush caused the westward march of progress to leap almost from the Mississippi to the Pacific coast overnight, and in this leap the territory now included in our mountain states was almost overlooked. Hence, we find that America's last frontier, instead of being the Pacific seaboard, is rather on the high plateaus leading down from the Rockies toward our neighboring republic on the south.
This last frontier is slowly but steadily giving way before modern conditions, and we, who are a part of this colorful life, view this breaking up and crumbling of the old with mixed feelings. We rather regret that the picturesque Indian life is gradually disappearing, and we can not but sigh for the downfall of romantic and colorful Spanish life. We cling stubbornly to the sleepy little Spanish villages along the Rio Grande, and we hold the old Missions as beautiful proofs of man's ability and courage to dare the desert and savage foe in order to carry the Cross into all the dark corners of the world. All of this has its appeal to us, even tho we be prosaic Anglo and Protestant. On the other hand, we have seen through the past quarter of a century the inevitable injustice that follows when a simple, primitive and trusting people are subject to the exploitation of a political regime so corrupt that it almost whitewashes the Carpet-bag Government in the South that followed fast on the heels of the Civil War.
These mountain states have wonderful natural resources, and these will be developed in the near future. The United States can look to this area to provide a large amount of our fuel, lumber and agricultural products. Big business interrests will bring new blood into these states, is now bringing it in, and our cowboy with his ten-gallon hat, our Indian in moccasin and robe, our Spanish Don with his old world courtesy are all being gradually fused into that product of the Melting Pot called the American.
To one who has known the Southwest intimately, the outlook is, after all, encouraging. The qualities that enabled these frontier people to "carry on" in face of most unfavorable conditions are the very qualities that our national life must have if America is to endure.
ADAMS, Bertha (Mrs.), born in Shreveport, Louisiana, December 19, 1866, daughter of Henry and Mary Hecox, a resident of Oregon for thirty-six years. Children: Allen Hays. Librarian. Member: Woman's Club, Business and Professional Women's Club. Home: 518 Washington St., Oregon City, Oregon.
AMES, Lucile Perry (Miss), born Ashland, Wisconsin, November 30, 1892, daughter of Albert Strong and Lena Lancaster Perry Ames, a resident of Oregon for 15 years. Writer. Has published verse and articles in periodicals. Home: 423 Park Avenue, Medford, Oregon.
BACON, Virginia Cleaver, (Mrs.), a native of Halsey, Oregon, daughter of Lon and Laura Cleaver, at one time a resident of California and Washington, D. C. Married to the late Ralph Bacon. Advisor in Adult Education, Portland Public Library. A. B., University of Oregon; A. M., American University; a former student of Riverside School of Library Sciences. Assistant, English Literature, University of Oregon, 1905; Librarian, Humboldt State Teacher's College of Calif., 1915–21; Librarian, Park College, Missouri, 1921; for 2 years, Assistant Director, Junior Division, United States Employment Service, Washington, D. C.; member of Portland Library staff since 1925. Author: "Every Day English." Member: Phi Beta Kappa, American Ass'n of University Women, Professional Women's League, American Library Ass'n, American Ass'n for Adult Education. Home: 1084 Wilson St., Portland, Oregon.
BELL, Carrie, (Mrs. William), born in Detroit, Mich. Former resident of Seattle, Wash., living in Roseburg, Ore., for the last 19 years. Married to William Bell. Children: Elaine, Wendell. Active in social and civic affairs; past regent of D.A.R.; at present matron of Roseburg No. 8, O. E. S.; for eleven years on the State Board of the Oregon Fed. of Women's Clubs. Member: Woman's Club, D. A. R., O. E. S., Delphian Club, Past Matrons Club, Book Club. Home: 122 S. Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore.
BEYLER, Cecelia Mae, (Miss), born in Marshallville, Ohio, July, 1892, former resident of Utah, Washington, D. C., living for the last 9 years in Oregon. Principal, Captain Robert Gray Junior High School. Teacher in Americanization Classes; active in all educational work; for 3 years a member of Oregon State Board, Business and Professional Women's Club; for 1 year president of County Teachers' Association; president, W. C. T. U.; has conducted several art exhibits for school and general public. Member: American Association of University Women's Club. Y. W. C. A., N. E. A., O. S. T. A. Home: 547 Jerome Ave., Astoria, Oregon.
BONDURANT, Margaret (Mrs. R. E.), born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January 15, 1876, daughter of Conrad and Margaret Zwickel, a resident of Oregon for thirty-nine years. Married to Royall Edward Bondurant. Children: Pauline. Active in social, civic and philanthropic affairs. Chairman of Building Committee, Juvenile Hospital for Girls. On Board of Managers of Camp Fire Girls; honorary president of Albertina Kerr Baby Home; on Board of Directors of Louise Home for Girls. Instrumental in passing of Mothers' Pension Bill (1913). Interested in Oregon Prisoners' Aid Society. Member: Portland Woman's Club, Presidents' Club, Sorosis, Daughters of Nile, O. E. S., Portland Art Ass'n. Home: 339 East 34th St., Portland, Oregon.
BRODIE, Imogen Harding (Mrs.), born June 8, 1878, daughter of George A. and Jennie B. Harding. Married to Edward Everett Brodie. Children: Madelen Jane, George Harding. Active in civic affairs. Vocal teacher until 1915. For many years contralto soloist in various Portland churches. From 1921–25 with husband in Bangkok, Siam, where Mr. Brodie was the American Minister to the court of King Rama VI. Member: Professional Woman's League of Portland. Home: Brodacre-on-Clackamas, Ore. R. F. D. 2, Oregon City, Oregon.
BURKE, Euna Pearl, (Mrs.), born in Golden City, Missouri, September 8, 1879; a former resident of Washington, Idaho and Colorado; living for the last 9 years in Oregon. Married to Harry Burke. Children: Terence Ward. Degrees, B. Ph., A. M.; formerly a teacher. Member of Board of Directors of Red Cross (local chapter), president of Board of Directors of Astoria Y. W. C. A., honorary member Business and Professional Woman's Club. Member: Astoria Woman's Club, Gamma Si Chapter of Delphian, Astoria Writers' Club. Home: 144 Exchange St., Astoria, Oregon.
CAMERON, Bernice, (Miss), born in Jacksonville, Oregon, July 30, 1883, daughter of Robert J. and Esther J. Cameron. Manager, Postal Telegraph-Cable Company. Has earned respect and admiration of the community through the successful management of professional duties. Member: Jacksonville County Republican Club, Medford Post No. 15 of the American Legion (by reason of Yeomanette Service during World War). Home: 112 Geneva St., Medford, Oregon.
CARLOW, Dr. Eva Mains, born in Dexter, Michigan, January 22, 1864, daughter of John Bates and Emily Stone Mains. Resident of Oregon for the last 19 years. Married to Frank George Carlow. Osteopathic Physician. Treasurer, Y. W. C. A., for 3 years; member of Rogue River College Women's Club, W. C. T. U., University of Michigan Alumnae. Member: Y. W. C. A., College Women's Club, Axis Club (Osteopathic). Address: 416 Liberty Building. Home: 26 Laurel St., Medford, Oregon.
CARY, Helen Ahrens (Mrs.), M. D., born 1892 in Great Falls, Montana, daughter of E. H. and L. May Ahrens, a resident of Portland for six years. Married to N. Leroy Gary. Children: Helen Mae. Medical Director of Portland Public Schools (since 1924). Former Medical Advisor to women of Reed College. Member: Delta Delta Delta, State, City and County Medical Societies, American Ass'n of University Women, State Nutrition Council, Alpha Epsilon Iota, etc., Home: 634 Halsey St., Portland, Oregon.
CHAMBERLAIN, Grace H. (Miss), a native of Boston, Massachusetts, a resident of Oregon for 11 years. Interested in civic and Women's Clubs affairs. Former teacher of Literature and Mathematics. Gave professional monologues and acted as dramatic coach. Former state vice-president of Oregon Fed. of Women's Clubs, at present president of Southern Oregon District Federation. Member: D.A.R., Ashland Woman's Civic Club. Home: Ashland, Oregon.
CHRISTOFFERSON, Edna E., (Mrs.), a native of Chicago, Illinois, a resident of Oregon for 35 years. Owner of X-Ray Laboratory, President, Oregon Revolver Club. Member: United States Revolver Ass'n, Business and Professional Women's Club, Portland Revolver Club, American Registry of Radiological Technicians, Aero Club of Oregon. Address: 533 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
COCHRAN, Ruth Skiff (Miss), born November 5, 1894, in May, Idaho, daughter of H. Hicks and Lusina Skiff Cochran, a resident of Oregon for three years. Assistant Librarian. Camp Fire Guardian; vice-president of Camp Fire Guardian's Council. Member: Pendleton Woman's Club. Home: 201 Lewis St., Pendleton, Oregon.
CRANDALL, Lula D. (Mrs.), born in Linn County, Oregon, May 29, 1854, daughter of Zelek Martin and Camilla Thomson Donnell who came from Indiana with the Doctor Crawford immigrant train, which left Indiana, March 7, 1852. The family moved to Wasco County in 1858 when that section was opened to settlement after the Yakima Indian War. In 1865, the family moved to The Dalles so that the children might receive schooling. Mrs. Crandall later attended Pacific University. In 1872, she married George F. Sampson, Captain of a steamboat running on the Columbia River. When left a widow with two children, eleven years later she first entered her career as a business woman, serving in the County Clerk's office. In 1892, she married Charles Jesse Crandall, a prominent architect of The Dalles and since his death again actively entered the business world and at present manages the Crandall Undertaking Company of The Dalles. First woman in Oregon to serve as delegate to the Republican National Convention, serving in this capacity at the convention which nominated Coolidge. Considered an authority on Oregon history; has written much on pioneer days for Oregon newspapers. Member: Oregon State Pioneer Society, State Fed. of Women's Clubs, Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers, Oregon Historical Society, D. A. R., The Degree of Honor Protective Ass'n. Home: The Dalles, Oregon.
D'ALBINI, Marie Norris, (Mrs.) born in Comfort, Texas, a resident of Oregon for 9 years. Married to G. Quintus D'Albini. Children: Weldon, Ruth, Corinne. Very active in D. A. R. circles; has successfully conducted Citizenship schools; organizer and president of General Joseph Lane Society, Children of the American Revolution. Member: D. A. R., P. T. A., Dixie Club, Garden Club, Greater Medford Club, O.E.S. Home: 45 Quince St., Medford, Oregon.
DE COU, Elizabeth Fox, (Mrs. E. E.), born July 13, 1886, in Towanda, Pennsylvania, daughter of John Evans and Elizabeth Miller Fox, a resident of Oregon for twelve years, formerly living in Seattle, Evanston, Ill., New York City. Married Edgar E. De Cou. Children: Margaret, Elizabeth. Active in community and university campus affairs. Graduated from Barnard College, Columbia University. Has held responsible positions with Y.W.C.A., notably Field Secretary for Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, and in war service overseas. From 1916-22, Dean of Women, University of Oregon. Home: 929 Hilyard St., Eugene, Oregon.
DODGE, Jessie (Mrs. Louis), born in White Oaks, N. M., Sept. 11, 1883. Married to Louis Dodge. Children: Edith and Robert M. Resident of Oregon for 21 years, formerly located in California. Authorized correspondent for Christian Science Monitor. Three years president of Parent-Teachers Association. Member: D. A. R., O. E. S., Study Club, P. T. A., Woman's Civic Club, P. E. O. Sisterhood. Home: 724 Boulevard, Ashland, Ore.
DOYLE, Jane V., (Miss), born September 4, 1876, in Philadephia, Pennsylvania, daughter of James and Mary Ellen Doyle, a resident of Oregon for the last 22 years. Executive Secretary, Portland Chapter, American Red Cross. Registered Nurse. Graduate of Philadelphia Orthopedic Hospital. Served overseas one year, Army Nurse, Base Hospital No. 114; active in all social welfare work; has been with the American Red Cross since July 1, 1919. Member: American Women's Overseas Service League, Professional Women's League, Oregon Social Workers' Ass'n, Portland Art Ass'n, Sienna Club, American Nurses' Ass'n, National League of Nursing Education. Home: 660 Johnson St., Portland, Oregon.
DUNBAR, Saidie Orr, (Mrs.), born in Granger, Missouri, June 23, 1880, daughter of Robert Perry and Catherine Lindsay Orr. A resident of Oregon for 38 years. Married to the late Jesse Austin Dunbar. Children: Kathryn, Allen. Executive Secretary, Oregon Tuberculosis Ass'n. Very active in Social Service work; has served two terms as secretary of the National Conference, Tuberculosis Secretaries; Vice-president, Portland Americanization Council; vice-president, Council of Social Agencies. Member: D. A. R., P. T. A., P. E. O. Sisterhood, Portland Woman's Club, Tuesday Afternoon Club, Oregon State and National Organization of Women's Clubs, etc. Address: 310 Fitzpatrick Block, Portland, Oregon.
DYE, Eva Emery, (Mrs.), born in Prophetstown, Illinois, July 17, 1855, a resident of Oregon for 38 years. Daughter of Cyrus and Caroline Trafton Emery. Married to Attorney Charles Henry Dye. Children: Emery Charles Trafton Mickelwait, Everett Willoughby, Mrs. Charlotte Evangeline Hutchinson. Writer. Author: "McLoughlin and Old Oregon" (1900), "The Conquest" (1902), "McDonald of Oregon" (1906), "Stories of Oregon" (1916). Member: Oregon Historical Society, National Historical Assn. Home: 902 Jeffer-St., Oregon City, Ore.
FERGUSON, Ruby Page, (Mrs. Anthony Euwer), born September 5, 1890, in Dell Rapids, South Dakota, daughter of W. I. and C. Elizabeth Ferguson, a resident of Oregon for six years. Married to Anthony Euwer, (artist, author, lecturer), Children: Anthony Jr. Dramatic interpreter. Has toured United States, New Zealand and Western Canada as dramatic reader; taught drama and directed stage productions in colleges of Nebraska and Alabama. Her repertoire is extensive and colorful. Member: Professional Women's League. Home: 508 Aspen Road, Portland Ore.
FRANKEL, G. J. (Mrs.), born in Fayette, Iowa, daughter of Eden W. and Nella S. Keasey, former resident of Missouri, living in Oregon for eighteen years. President of State Federation of Women's Clubs. Active in club affairs; for eight years a member of National Federation of Music Clubs as Librarian, Secretary, and First Vice-President; member of Board of the Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs (President of 8th District of Missouri Federation); organized the Portland Federation of Women's Organizations, acting as the first President; for four years Secretary and lecturer for Anti-Narcotic Ass'n of Portland, Oregon; for three years Superintendent, Woman's Protective Division (Social Service) of Portland; first President of State Federation of Business and Professional Women of Oregon. Member: Portland Woman's Club (Past President), Portland Presidents Club (President), Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs (President), D.A.R. Home: 8 East 17th. Street, Portland, Oregon.
GARDINER, Thora B. (Mrs. F. W.), born in Holum, Iceland, March 17, 1884, daughter of Benedict Johnson and Thorbjorg Arnadottir, a resident of Oregon for sixteen years. Married to Frederick William Gardiner. Children: Edward, Frederick, Rosemary. Active in civic, club and church affairs. During and after the war, secretary of county chapter of Red Cross. President, Oregon City Women's Club. Vice-president and former secretary of Clackamas County Public Health Ass'n. Member: Oregon City Woman's Club, O. E. S., P. T. A., American Yeoman, St. Paul's Guild. Home: 1305 J. Q. Adams St., Oregon City, Oregon.
GERKE, Florence Holmes (Mrs. Walter), born in Portland, Oregon, February 16, 1898, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hill, a resident of San Francisco and Oakland, California during her early youth. Married to Walter Gerke. Children: Marianne. Landscape architect. A graduate of Oregon State Agricultural College in Landscape Architecture; studied gardens in Europe, took post graduate course at the School of Landscape Architecture, Cambridge, Mass. Attended Art School, Portland Art Museum. Municipal Landscape Architect for City of Portland. Designed International Rose Test Garden at Washington Park and many features of Portland parks and playgrounds, also the planting for Shrine Hospital and several other public and private institutions. Has written many articles for leading technical magazines on landscaping. Member: Professional Woman's League, Chi Omega. Home: Faloma, Multnomah County, Oregon.
GERLINGER, Irene Hazard, (Mrs. George T.), a native of New York State, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Rider Hazard, a resident of Oregon for 24 years. Married to George T. Gerlinger. Children: Georgiana, Irene, Jean Hazard. Regent of the University of Oregon. Very active in raising funds for Fine Arts Building at State University. Member, Board of Old People's Home, also on Board of Free Dispensary. Member: University Club, Waverly Country Club, Town Club, American Ass'n. of University Women, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Home: 1064 Thurman St., Portland, Oregon.
GRACE, Nellie Roberts (Mrs.), born February 11, 1844, near Frankfort, Kentucky, daughter of Thomas Henry and Martha Thompson Roberts. Married to the late David L. Grace. For forty years, editor and publisher; for the past twelve years, librarian, Cove Public Library. Formerly a school teacher but learned the newspaper business in her father's office. Has been connected as editor of newspapers in Arkansas, Kansas, and Tennessee. Founder, publisher and editor of East Oregon Herald (now Times-Herald), Burns, Oregon. Former associate editor on her sister's newspapers in Idaho. Has published poetry and essays. A remarkable woman and a highly esteemed citizen. Member: Cove Woman's Improvement Club, State and National Fed. of Women's Clubs, O. E. S., C. W. I. Club. Home: Box 95, Cove, Union County, Oregon.
GRAY, Edna Ida, (Mrs.), born in Chicago, Illinois October 1 1882; former resident of California; living in Oregon for the last 9 years. Married to Edward Everett Gray. Children: Robert Stuart, Barbara Katherine. President of Delphian, Gamma ‘C’; member of Advisory Board, American Ass'n. University Women; organizer and former president of Mother's Club; charter member, P. T. A.; member of Y. W. C. A. Member: Mother's Club; Delphian Club, Garden Club, P. T. A., Woman's Civic Club, American Ass'n. of University Women, Neighborhood Reading Club, Columbia Hospital Women's Aux. Home: 666 Pleasant Street, Astoria, Oregon.
HAIR, Mozelle, (Miss), a native of Nebraska, a resident of Oregon for 29 years. Director, Organization and Administration of Correspondence Study, University of Oregon. Member of City Planning Commission; on lecture staff of University Extension Division. Active in Girl Scouts Council. Member: American Ass'n. of University Women, Business and Professional Women's Club, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Kappa Delta, Delta Delta Delta, Mazamas (Oregon mountain climbing organization). Home: 1361 Ferry St., Eugene, Oregon.
HARGREAVES, Sheba, (Mrs.), born in The Dalles, Oregon, November 5, 1882, daughter of Byron Francis and Selena Ann Childs, a life-long resident of the state. Married to Fred Hargreaves. Children: Holden Stephen, Robert Frederic. Writer. Has specialized in the preparation of advertising books and pamphlets. Author: "The Cabin at the Trail's End," (historical novel), "Sunrise" (a brochure on the hope of immortality), "The Business Side of Writing." Member: Oregon Historical Society. Home: 634 E. 65th St., North, Portland, Oregon.
HARPER, Winifred, (Mrs.), a native of New Zealand; daughter of Charles and Ellinor Hunter Brown; former resident of England, Siberia and Alaska, living in Oregon for the last 16 years. Married to Theodore Acland Harper. Author. Collaborated with her husband in the following books: "The Mushroom Boy," "Singing Feathers," "The Janitor's Cat," "Siberian Gold." Home: 625 Hoyt Street, Portland, Oregon.
HEINE, Minnie B., (Mrs.), born in Norton, New Brunswick, Canada, September 25, 1869, formerly located in Montana, resident of Oregon for 13 years. Married to the late Dr. Thompson G. Heine. Children: Bliss, Mildred Heine Durham. American Artist, teacher of landscape painting and dramatic art. Won several prizes for her paintings; has exhibited in Japan; holds a life membership in Chicago Art Society; past president of Greater Medford Club. Member: Progressive Art Club, Costume Culture Club, Pythian Sisters, Greater Medford Club. Past Noble Grand of Rebekahs. Home: 916 W. 10th St., Medford, Ore.
HEINLINE, Elizabeth, (Mrs. Charles), born in Baltimore, Maryland, July 4, 1879. A former resident of Washington, D. C., living in Oregon for the last 15 years. Married to Charles Summer Heinline. Music teacher; first vice-president Oregon State Music Teachers' Ass'n; fourth vice-president State Federated Music Club. Conducts a conservatory of music and art. Choir director of First M. E. Church. Member: National Fed. of Women's Clubs, National Fed. of Music Clubs, Business and Professional Women's Club. Home: Roseburg, Oregon.
HICKS, Leone Cass Baer (Mrs.), born in Bloomfield, Iowa, 1886, daughter of George Franklin and Catherine Beckley Baer, a resident of Portland, Oregon, for eighteen years. Married to Harve Wagner Hicks. Drama critic and editor and feature writer for the Morning Oregonian. Graduate of University of Missouri and attended Chicago Art Institute. Address: Morning Oregonian, Portland, Oregon.
HILL, Edith Knight, (Mrs.), known by the pen-name of Marian Miller. A native of Colorado, former resident of California, living in Oregon for the last 16 years. Daughter of Richard Brown and Marianne White Knight. Married to Joseph Adams Hill. Children: Mrs. Florence Gerke, Mrs. Kenneth Goodall. Feature story and editorial writer. Has contributed to several Pacific Coast newspapers; for many years editor of Woman's Department, Portland Oregonian. Established Oregon Dairy Council for the purpose of encouraging proper diet for children through milk stations. Has lectured before clubs, schools and colleges. Member: Portland Art Ass'n., Y. W. C. A., Fruit and Flower Mission. Soroptimist honorary member of several other clubs. Home: 821 Marshall Street, Portland, Oregon.
JAMESON, Kate Wetzel, (Mrs.), born October 15, 1870 in Perrysburg, Ohio. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wetzel, a resident of Oregon for five years. Married to the late Rev. D. H. Jameson. Children: Raymond Deloy. Dean of Women, Oregon State College. Taught school in Ohio, taught German in University of Wisconsin. Former Dean of Women of Montana and Arizona State Universities. B. A., M. A., Ph. D. Studied in Leipzig, Bonn and Wuerzburg. Especially interested in psychology and German Literature. Member: American Association of University Women, Federated Women's Clubs, N. E. A., P. E. O., O. E. S., P. T. A. Home: Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oregon.
JOHANSEN, Sophia L. (Mrs.), born in Astoria, Oregon, 1868, daughter of Charles H. and Sophia Binder. Married to the late John H. Johansen. Children: Ernest W., Dorothy O., Mrs. Rota Avery. City Librarian (since 1919). Member: Oregon Library Ass'n., O. E. S., Women's Club, Home: Box 35, Seaside, Oregon.
JONES, Nellie Rose Newbury (Mrs. W. A.), born in Phoenix, Oregon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Albert Rose, a life-long resident of the state. Married to Wilbur A. Jones. Children: Maude Newbury Mehaffey, Donald R. Newbury, Carl Newbury, Wilbur Jr. Club woman. Corresponding secretary. First District Fed. of Women's Clubs of Oregon. Holds office in several organizations. Member: O. E. S. (Past Matron), D. A. R. (Past Regent), Woman's Library Club, Delphian Society, Harvard Classics Club. Home: 203 High Ave., Klamath Falls, Oregon.
JONES, Mrs. Seymour, born in Berlin, Illinois, 1868, daughter of Calvin A. and Mary F. Pease, a resident of Oregon for twenty years. Married to Seymour Jones. Children: Melville, Mary Edna, Junette. Active in club affairs. Former State Regent, D. A. R. Member Salem Woman's Club (president), D. A. R. Home: R. F. D. No. 8, Salem, Oregon.
KINNEY, (Mrs. W. S.), a native of Salem, Oregon, a permanent resident of Astoria for the last 20 years. Married to the late William S. Kinney. Children: Robert C., Dr. Alfred E., Dr. Kenneth W., William S. Member of Oregon State Legislature, 1921; State Senator, 1923-25, elected on the Republican ticket. Owner and operator of large dairy farm. Member: Woman's Club (ex-president). Home: R. A. Box 102, Astoria, Oregon.
LINDLEY, G. R. (Mrs.), born in Godfrey, Illinois, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ulrich, a resident of Oregon for thirty years. Married to George Robert Lindley. Children: Robert G., May, Josephine, Katherine, Gertrude. Active in club and civic affairs. Member: Woman's Library Club (president), O. E. S., P. T. A., Garden Civic Club. Home: Lindley Heights, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
LOVERIDGE, Emily Lemoine (Miss), born in Hammondsport, New York, August 28, 1860, daughter of Rev. Daniel E. and Mrs. Maria Lemoine Loveridge, a resident of the state for thirty-eight years. Formerly resided in Unadilla, New York. Superintendent of Hospital. Is a member of all hospital and nurses' associations, devoting her entire time to her profession. Home: 752 Marshall Street, Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Oregon.
MacCRACKEN, Edith Bolte (Mrs. Gordon), a native of Chicago, resident of Oregon for the last 12 years. Married to Dr. Gordon MacCracken. Children: Chester Caldwell, Charles Gordon, Elliott Bolté. Former president Ashland Civic Club; past president District Fed. Women's Clubs; former state Regent, D. A. R. Member: Ashland Civic Club, O. E. S., Society 1812, D. A. R., American Legion Auxiliary. Home: Ashland, Oregon.
MARVIN, Cornelia, (Miss), a native of Monticello, Iowa, a resident of Oregon for 23 years. State Librarian. Studied at Library School, Armour Institute, now at University of Illinois; former president, Board of Regents, Oregon Normal Schools; head of University of Wisconsin Summer Library School. Member: American Library Institute, American Library Ass'n, Pacific Northwest Library Ass'n. (president, 1917). Author: "Small Library Buildings." Office: State Library, Salem, Ore. Home: Eola Hills, Polk Co., Ore.
McCOMB, Jessie D. (Mrs.), born in Illinois, daughter of W. A. and Effie G. Dunlavy, a former resident of Nebraska, living in Oregon for ten years. In charge of Home Economics Extension work, Oregon State College. Chairman, American Home Dept. of Oregon Fed. of Women's Clubs. Vice-Regent, Oregon D. A. R. (1926-28), President of Oregon State Nutrition Council (1927-28). Member: Oregon Fed. of Women's Clubs, Farmers' Union, D. A. R., Oregon Grange. Home: Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon.
McMUNN, Ella, (Miss), born in Pueblo, Colorado, April 17, 1875, daughter of George Stuart and Susan Frances Keenum McMunn, a resident of Oregon for thirty-five years. Writer. Was a newspaper correspondent for 41 years, beginning at the age of 12 years in Colorado; Society editor and feature writer on Salem, Oregon, Statesman for eight years, (1904-12); feature writer on Oregon Journal, Portland, Oregon, during year of 1917; contributed illustrated feature articles to Oregonian and Portland Journal from 1910 to present time. Has contributed to various magazines. Author of two books of sketches, "Down on the Farm," "Seven Miles Out," issued in 1924 and 1927. At present is Flower Garden editor of the Salem Capitol Journal. Member: Salem Garden Club, Brooks Community Club, National Tree Lover's Ass'n. Salem Writer's Club. Home: R. F. D. No. 8, Salem, Oregon.
MELLORS, Rebecca B., (Miss), born in Weir, Kansas, November 7, 1899, daughter of Thomas and Annie Willey Mellors. Former resident of Kansas and Idaho. Educator. Secretary Clerk, School District No. 49. Member: O. E. S., Business and Professional Women's Club. Home: Medford, Oregon.
MERRICK, Stella J., (Mrs. F. E.), born in Iowa, 1867, a resident of Oregon for twenty-four years. Married to Fred E. Merrick. Children: Ruth M., Walter D., Emerson P. House designer and real estate operator. Active in civic work; Member: O. E. S., Daughters of the Nile, Greater Medford Club. Home: 118 N Riverside Avenue, Medford, Oregon.
MONROE, Anne Shannon, (Miss), a native of Washington; daughter of Dr. W. A. and Mrs. S. L. Monroe. Author and Lecturer. Travels extensively; speaks frequently before woman's clubs, chambers of commerce, colleges, schools and churches. Author: "Singing in the Rain," "Behind the Ranges," "Happy Valley." Contributes to Saturday Evening Post, Good Housekeeping and other magazines. Member: Authors' League of America, Pen and Brush, New York. Home: 5906 42nd Street, S. E., Portland, Oregon.
MULHERON, Anne M. (Miss), A.B., Univ. of Mich. and N. Y. State Lib. School, born 1883, in Detroit, Michigan, daughter of Doctor John J. and Mrs. Anne M. Mulheron, a resident of Oregon since 1919. Librarian, Library Ass'n, Portland. President, Pacific Northwest Library Ass'n, 1927. Second Vice-president, American Library Association, 1927. Trustee, Oregon State Library. Taught and did social work in Honolulu, 1913-15. Spent 18 months in service of American Library Ass'n. in U. S. camps and in France. Member: Town Club, Professional Women's League, American Ass'n. of University Women. Address: Public Library, Portland, Oregon.
MYERS, Lois Parker, (Mrs. Frank S.), born in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, January 22, 1876, daughter of Charles and Laura Powers Parker, a former resident of Florida and Minnesota, living in Oregon for the last 35 years. Married to the late Frank Stott Myers. Children: Raleigh, John, Robert, Frank, Mrs. Forster Smith. Editorial Writer. Began newspaper work following death of her husband, writing editorials for Portland Telegram; since January 1, 1927, chief editorial writer of this paper. During the war, Food Administrator for Multnomah County; past president, Portland Council, P. T. A. Member: Progress Club, D. A. R., American Ass'n of University Women. Home: 515 Hancock St., Portland, Oregon.
OLSEN, Elizabeth, (Mrs.), born December 30, 1875, in Forreston, Illinois, daughter of James C. and Mary E. Thompson; a resident of Oregon for 28 years. Married to Charles Oluf Olsen. Writer. Book Reviewer on Sunday Oregonian. Former Assistant Editor of Angora Journal. Publishes verse and articles; collaborates with husband on stories. Associated with Portland Poets, an unorganized group of poets and story-writers whose articles are now appearing in many leading magazines. Home: Box 182, Route 8, Portland, Oregon.
PARSONS, Mable Holmes, (Mrs. Edwin Seely), a native of Saginaw, Michigan, daughter of Charles Adams and Susanne Reed Holmes, resident of Oregon for the last 17 years. Married to Edwin Seely Parsons. Children: Dorothy Parsons Metcalf. Professor of English, University of Oregon. Former president, Greater Medford Club (Medford, Ore.), Drama League (Portland Ore.); extension lecturer in Literature and Aesthetics, University of Oregon; formerly gave book reviews for Oregon Journal. Writer of short stories, verse and feature material. Member: Wednesday Art Club, Art Theatre Players, Inc., D. A. R., Professional Woman's League, American Ass'n. of University Women, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Phi. Home: P. O. Box 974, Portland, Ore.
PEROZZI, Louise A. (Mrs. D.), born in Chicago, Illinois, July 13, 1877, a resident of Oregon for forty years. Married to D. Perozzi. Children: Lucille, Thelma. Member of Board of Education (chairman 1927-28.) Member of Oregon Republican State Executive Committee. For eight years Secretary County Educational Board. President Rebekah Assembly of Oregon (1928-29). Member P.T.A., Ashland Study Club, Delphian, Women's Civic Club. Home: 88 Granite Street, Ashland, Oregon.
PONSLER, Muriel O., (Mrs. J. C.), born in Dallas, Oregon, September 21, 1897, life-long resident of the state. Married to Jack C. Ponsler. Newspaper writer and bookkeeper. Active in civic and club affairs; employed for seven years in newspaper story writing; President of Southern Oregon District Federation of Women's Clubs; President Roseburg Woman's Club; Secretary of Douglas County Health Association; member of Siauslaw Chamber of Commerce; county chairman of Better Homes Movement in Douglas County. Member: Roseburg Woman's Club, Gamma Theta, Delphian Society (charter member), Sorosis Club (president), Roseburg Country Club. Home: Jackson St., Florence, Oregon.
PRICHARD, Adelia, (Miss), a native of Oregon, daughter of William S. and Mary T. Prichard, a life-long resident of the state. Accountant. For two years National president, Business and Professional Women's Club, former member, Board of Y. W. C. A.; coorganizer of Industrial Girls and first chairman for Colored Work, Y. W. C. A., Portland, Ore., general sponsor for students qualifying for loan in Adelia Prichard Scholarship Fund. Member: Business and Professional Woman's Club. Address: 311 Platt Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
RICHARDSON, Eve (Miss), born December 13, 1890, in Bradford, Pennsylvania, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette M. Richardson, a resident of Oregon for four years. Assistant to Sales Manager of Oregon City Woolen Mills. Attended high school and business college and was connected with several firms in her home city. Has established an enviable reputation as a successful business woman. Takes an active part in all civic affairs. Member: Business and Professional Women's Club (president). Home: 927 Madison St., Oregon City, Oregon.
ROBERTSON, Annie S. E. (Mrs.), born July 4, 1893, in Ontario, Canada, daughter of Alexander and Nancy Elliott, a resident of Oregon for eleven years. Married to William Harvey Robertson. Active in club and civic affairs. President of Klamath County Public Health Ass'n. Member: Woman's Library Club, Daughters of the British Empire in Oregon, Delphian Society. Home: P. O. Box 156, 505 Jefferson St., Klamath Falls, Oregon.
ROCKWOOD, E. Ruth, (Miss), a native of Rensselaer Falls, New York; resident of Oregon for the last 44 years. Librarian. Head of Reference department, Library Ass'n. of Portland. A. B. degree, Byrn Mawr College. Member: American Ass'n. of University Women, Professional Women's League. Home: Alexandra Court Hotel, Portland Oregon.
RUNYON, Florence A. (Mrs. Charles E.), born June 1, 1878, in Healdsburg, California, daughter of Tennesee C. and Mary C. Bishop, a resident of Oregon for twenty-eight years. Married to Charles Edward Runyon. Active in civic affairs. For ten years on Republican State Central Committee. Former president of Literary Club. Member: Portland Woman's Club (past president), Portland Woman's Research Club (director), Presidents Club. Home: 297 East Twenty-fourth Street, Portland, Oregon.
SATCHWELL, Atlanta Parker, (Mrs.), born in Petaluma, California, 1872, former resident of California and Nevada, living in Medford, Oregon for the last 17 years. Married to Gilbert R. Satchwell. Children: Mrs. Carl Hoots, Mrs. Earl Knapp. Artist; secretary of Medford Chamber of Commerce during War Period; head of civic dep't, Greater Medford Club, 4 terms, secretary, 2 terms; secretary of Jackson Co. Health Ass'n, 3 years; former organizer for Southern Oregon District Fed. of Women's Clubs. Member: Greater Medford Club, Dixie Club, Kodak Club, Delphian Study Club, District and State Fed. Women's Clubs. Home: 411 South Front St., Medford, Oregon.
SCHROFF, Louise Barrows, (Mrs.), a native of Michigan, former resident of Boston, Massachusetts; living in Oregon for the last 11 years. Married to Alfred H. Schroff. Formerly a miniature painter; graduate, School of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. Professor for 2 years, University of Oregon. Home: 1043 Alder Street, Eugene, Oregon.
SCOTT, Jessie Thompson, (Mrs.), born in La Crosse, Wisconsin, daughter of Clark W. and Jessie Hyde Thompson, a resident of Oregon for twenty-six years. Married to John Denny Scott. Editor, Women's Activities Dept., The Oregonian. Graduate 1923, University of Oregon; A. B. degree in Journalism. Formerly on staff of various university publications. Member: Alpha Phi, Theta Sigma Phi. Home: 295 Fourteenth St., Portland, Ore.
SETTERS, Bess, (Mrs.), a native of Chicago, Illinois, daughter of Robert and Emma G. Reinhardt, a resident of Oregon for 12 years. Married to O. B. Setters. Children: Elizabeth Setters Dodson, Esther. Active in civic, club and fraternal affairs. Worthy Grand Matron, O. E. S., State of Oregon. Member: Women's Club, Y. W. C. A., O. E. S. Home: 316 Kensington, Astoria, Oregon.
SHAW, Wanda Brown (Mrs. J. R.), born in Stayton, Oregon, February 14, 1899, daughter of George L. and Lucy E. Brown, a life-long resident of Oregon. Married to James Royal Shaw. Children: Jane Royal Jr., Wanda Elizabeth. Active in club affairs. A. B. degree, University of Oregon (1921); former teacher in Klamath Falls High School. Member: Delphian Society, American Association of University Women. Address: Shaw Bertram Lbr. Co., Klamath Falls, Oregon.
SIMMONS, Nondas B., (Mrs.), born June 12, 1885, in Klamath Falls, Oregon, daughter of J. H. and L. E. Howard. Married to Rev. A. Franklin Simmons. Children: B. Maude, M. Lizabeth. Primarily interested in church activities but takes part in everything that is beneficial to the community. Well-known as a singer. Home: Keno Road, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
SMERTENKO, Clara Millerd, (Mrs.), a native of Michigan, former resident of New York City. Married to Johan J. Smertenko. Professor of Greek, University of Oregon. Contributor to magazines, book reviews, etc. Member: Phi Beta Kappa. Home: 740 E. 15th Ave., Eugene, Oregon.
SMICK, Helen Godwin, (Mrs. W. A.), a native of Fonda, New York, daughter of Henry and J. Anna Peters Godwin. Married to William Adams Smick. Children: Edith Lewis, James Robert. Teacher, drawing and crayon, Albany College. Active in philanthropic work. Contributor of poems and articles to newspapers and periodicals; favors woman suffrage; helped in organizing Home and Foreign Missions of Presbyterians in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska; first delegate to National Convention of Women's Clubs, 1912. Member: State Fed. of Women's Clubs, W. C. T. U., O.E.S., D.A.R., etc. Home: Roseburg, Oregon.
SMITH, Doris (Mrs.), born in Garden City, Kansas, daughter of John and Alice Moore Biggs, a resident of Oregon for six years. Married to the late Reuben Wells Smith. Children: Anna-wells, Statira Wells. Interested in dramatics. Author and director of the Portland Civic Pageant of the Rose Festival "Rosaria". Head of dramatics, Ellison-White Conservatory. Director of the Portland Playcrafters. Home: 324 E. 10th N., Portland, Oregon.
SMITH, Lucetta Amelia (Miss), M. D., born in Ionia, Michigan, September 8, 1880, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose G. Smith, a resident of Oregon for nineteen years. Physician. Graduated from University of Michigan, 1906. Interneship, Woman's Hospital of Chicago, 1906-07. Member of local Medical Ass'n., President of local Business and Professional Women's Club. Member: American Medical Woman's Ass'n, National Fed. of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, University Woman's Club, etc. Home: Masonic Bldg., Roseburg, Oregon.
SNEDICOR, Jane, (Miss), born in Tecumseh, Michigan, December 12, 1875, daughter of Horace Carpenter and Helen Adams Snedicor, resident of Oregon for the last 22 years. Interior Decorator. Organizer and first president of Medford Garden Club; state chairman, Conservation and Thrift, D. A. R., also Highway Beautification Committee. Artist and teacher of art. Member: D. A. R., College Woman's Club, Medford Garden Club, Western Art Ass'n. Home: 526 W. 10th St., Medford, Oregon.
SOLOMON, Rachel Applegate (Mrs.), born in Klamath County, Oregon, November 23, 1887, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. O. C. Applegate. Her father was a pioneer and staunch friend of the Indians. Educator. For fifteen years high school teacher; very active in church work. Has held office in several clubs and fraternal organizations. Member: D.A.R., O.E.S., American Association of University Women, Delphian, Women's Library Club, Women's Auxiliary, U.C. M.S. Home: 426 N. 7th St., Klamath Falls, Oregon.
SPAULDING, Nettie M. (Mrs. W. L.), born in Oregon City, Oregon, August 9, 1889, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Miller, a life-long resident of the state. Married to Walter L. Spaulding. Children: Leone. Very active in civic and club affairs. Member: Salem Woman's Club, Y. W. C. A., McDowell Club, American Legion Auxiliary. Home: 1726 Court St., Salem, Oregon.
SPURLIN, Mary Jane, (Miss), a native of Virginia, daughter of D. A. and Daisy Marie Spurlin, resident of Oregon for the last 15 years. Lawyer. Was first woman judge of Oregon. President, City Fed. of Women's Clubs. Member: Business and Professional Women's Club, Soroptimist Club, Women's Convalescent Home Board, League of Women Voters, Phi Delta Delta, Professional Woman's League. Address: 315 Platt Building, Portland, Oregon.
STRAHAN, Kay Cleaver, (Mrs), born in La Grande, Oregon, 1888, daughter of Dr. Alonzo and Mrs. Laura Bryson Cleaver, a resident of Portland for 33 years. Married to William Nicholas Strahan. Author. Has contributed short stories to Colliers, American, Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, Delineator, Munsey's, etc. Author: "Peggy Mary", "Something That Begins with 'T'", "The Desert Moon Mystery", "October House". Home: 1084 Wilson St., Portland, Oregon.
STUART, Bertha, (Miss), a native of Clinton Iowa; daughter of Edwin Chatfield and Laura Hayden Stuart; former resident of Chicago; living in Oregon for the last 38 years. Interior Decorator. Student at Chicago Art Institute and Cooper Union (New York); designer for New York publishers for ten years; has been decorator for the last 14 years. Member: D. A. R., Professional Woman's League. Home: 380 E. 24th St., No., Portland, Oregon.
THACHER, Jane (Mrs.), born in Jackson, Michigan, September 13, 1885; a resident of Oregon for 19 years. Married to W. F. Goodwin Thacher. Children: Elisabeth Goodwin, Janet Byrne. Pianist and head of Piano Department, University of Oregon. A pupil of Carl Pfleger and Theodor Leschetizky. Former National Music Advisor, Mu Phi Epsilon. Home: 1992 University Ave., Eugene, Oregon.
TINGLE, Lillian Ella, (Miss), a native of Sheffield, England, daughter of Alfred and Mary Elizabeth Tingle, a resident of Oregon since 1905. Teacher. Writer. Head of Department of Household Arts, University of Oregon, since 1917. Former Principal of Girls' Polytechnic School of Portland; 1908-17, Supervisor of Domestic Science of Portland schools (high school and grades); has traveled extensively in Europe and the Orient. Member of Staff and special writer on Home Economics subjects for The Oregonian, also travel letters, 1906 to present date. Has contributed to Good Housekeeping, American Cookery and other magazines. Member: American Home Economics Ass'n, American Ass'n of University Women, P.T.A., Professional Woman's League of Portland, International H.P.P.D., International Home Economics Ass'n and others. Home: 470 East 14th St., Eugene, Oregon.
UNRUH, Ada Wallace, (Mrs.), a native of Indiana, daughter of John H. and Lucy A. Wallace, former resident of Kansas; for the last 43 years living in Oregon. Married to Albert A. Unruh. Lecturer. Speaker for prohibition and woman's suffrage in entire United States for 40 years. Promoted Home for dependent children in Oregon. Has contributed to newspapers for over 50 years. Member: W. C. T. U., Woman Voters' League. Home: 575 Belmont St., Portland, Oregon.
WAFFLE, Clara Wilhelmina, (Mrs.), M. D. Child Specialist. Born in San Francisco, California, February 11, 1874, daughter of Benjamin and Christiana Young. Parents moved to Astoria, Oregon, and became pioneer salmon packers on Columbia and Frazier Rivers. Married in 1910 to Dr. Eldred B. Waffle. Children: Clara Josephine, Frances Elizabeth. Practices medicine together with her husband. At one time City Health Officer. Has traveled extensively and has studied music in Germany and Sweden. For 16 years, instructor to nurses at St. Mary's Training School. Member: Friday Music Club. Home: Astoria, Oregon.
WHITNEY, Ruth Cooper (Mrs.), born November 10, 1882, in Forest Grove, Oregon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooper, a resident of Portland for twenty years. Married to Edgar Hartwell Whitney. Children: Caroline May, Hartwell Herbert. Editor of Oregon Clubwoman. Writes occasionally feature stories for newspapers and magazines. Author: "The Oregon Story" (a study outline of Oregon history for women's clubs). Member, Board of School Art League, Needlework Guild of America. Chairman, Literary Division, Oregon Fed. of Women's Clubs. Member: Portland Tuesday Afternoon Club. Home: 1247 Cleveland Ave., Portland, Oregon.
WOOD, Clara M., (Miss), born in St. Helena, California, March 26, 1884; daughter of W. P. R. and Agnes Jane Genung Wood. Former resident of Wisconsin; living in Oregon for the last 24 years. Banker, Assistant Cashier, Medford National Bank. First woman of Oregon to be received into Association of Bank Women (New York headquarters); prominent in all bank problems; attends all Bankers' Conventions. Member: D. A. R., Association of Bank Women, O. E. S., Daughters of Veterans. Home: 31 Geneva, Ave., Medford, Oregon.
WOODWARD, Mary Alethea, (Miss), born in the state of New York, April 23, 1873, daughter of Charles and Charlotte Augusta Woodward. Writer of verse. Author: "Songs of the Soul," (a book of poems). Poems have appeared in The Living Church, Zion's Herald, The Morning Oregonian, Spectator and London Poetry Review. Recently took first prize for poem on "Civilization," offered by the International Science Forum, through the London Poetry Review. Member: Northwest Poetry Society; Fellow of The Poetry Society, London, England, Home: 623 East 28th Street North. Portland, Oregon.
ZUMWALT, Julia Kinsey, (Mrs. Don J.), a native of San Francisco, California, daughter of Rev. Solomon and Mrs. Madge Oliver Kinsey, resident of Oregon for the last 23 years. Married to Don J. Zumwalt. Teacher of Voice and Piano. Has given many student recitals, adhering to the higher standard of best music; sang one season as mezzo prima donna with the Andrews Light Opera Co. Her pupils are making real successes here and abroad. Has given many concerts for the benefit of the library, churches and lodges. Supervisor of Delphian Club; President, County Music Teachers' Ass'n. Member: Woman's Club, Delphian Club, American Ass'n of University Women, D. A. R., Klamath County Music Teachers' Ass'n. Home: 430 So. Riverside St., Klamath Falls, Oregon.