Open Educational Resources - Wikiversity

Open educational resources (OER) are freely accessible, openly licensed text, media, and other digital assets that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing as well as for research purposes[1]. Communities use and alter OER according to their requirements and constraints. A scientific analysis of these alteration, forking or extension of OER provide insights in the drivers and needs of communities.
The following resources can be found in these Subpages:
- Introduction - Introduction to OER
- Lesson - Lesson on OER
- Sources - Sources of OER (table of resources w/ counts of data available from each)
- Student Authoring - Resources supporting student-authored content
- Adoptions - Schools and courses using OER
- Classifying educational resources
- Open Courses - Open course lists
- Open Textbooks - Open textbook lists
- Training - For teachers
- Geographic Information Systems and tailored educational resources for a specific region
- Tailored WikiBooks
- Green Open Access
- Wikiversity:Edit-a-thon to create OER
- (w:en:UNESCO) Explore the recommendation of UNESCO on Open Educational Resources and derive an application to your institutional setting:
- as a teacher for designing classroom activities,
- as a learner/student to perform the learning tasks in the classroom (e.g. supporting material as OER for performing a learning task)
- (Digital Public Good) Explore and compare the concept of
- digital public good,
- common goods and
- and identify similarities and differences between these concepts. How can digital public goods can trigger as building blocks for an Open Innovation Ecosystem. What are the benefits, challenges and constraints?
- Intellectual Honesty
- Open academia
- Open Badges as digital certificates and record of achievements for OER courses and learning activities
- Open Community Approach and OER as one main constituent
- PanDocElectron for using Wikiversity Resource as Slide Presentations with the option to annotate slides in a browser with a stylus
- Reproducible Science
- Open educational resources (Wikipedia)
- Open Innovation Ecosystem