
Cheb – Travel guide at Wikivoyage

Cheb is a city in Bohemia in Western Czech Republic with a population of 33,500 and is close to the German border.

The name is pronounced "khep" (the first sound like a German or Scottish "ch" or a Spanish "j" not as in "Chicken" - locals will make fun of you if you make this mistake). This town is sometimes called Eger in German, which was its official name until 1945. The city features a very quaint and pretty town square and winding alleys. However, outside of the center, the city is characterized by grimy heavy industry.

1 Tourist information kiosk (Turistické infocentrum), Jateční 2. Monday - Friday 9:00 - 17:00. 

Direct buses run from Prague (150 Kč, 3 hours, 4 daily), Karlovy Vary (56 Kč, 1 hour, 7 daily), Mariánské Lázně (40 Kč, 30 minutes, 12 daily).


The center is easily accessible by foot.

Museums and galleries:

Cheb castle with the Black tower


  • 4 Cheb Castle. Mostly in ruins except for its towers. Features the biggest Romanesque chapel in Bohemia. 30Kc. Cheb Castle (Q1068732) on Wikidata 


  • 1 Kartarena, Potočiště 3. 
  • Jazz Jam Cheb. Annual jazz festival, held around October. (updated Nov 2017)
  • 2 Chebská stráž. A viewpoint above the Skalka reservoir. One of the paths is the "Magic Forest", with educational board about the history of Cheb and its surroundings. Also games about the forest are here, where visitors can practice their knowledge of the forest. Chebská stráž (Q11723163) on Wikidata (updated Dec 2023)
  • 1 Asia Dragon Bazar Svatý Kříž, Svatý Kříž. Large market focused on German customers that mainly sells alcohol, tobacco and counterfeit brand clothes. A number of Vietnamese restaurants. Open daily but busiest at weekend.