Syracuse (province) – Travel guide at Wikivoyage

Tourist information
- 1 Ufficio Turistico Provinciale di Siracusa, Via Roma 31, toll-free: 800 055 500, M-Sa 08:00-20:00, Su 09:30-18:30. (updated Feb 2017)
- 1 Syracuse (Siracusa) — attractive old town and Greek ruins (
UNESCO World Heritage Site)
- 2 Augusta — a town north of Syracuse
- 3 Lentini — Greek colony of Leontini, today the town of Lentini
- 4 Noto — center of Val di Noto, famous for baroque architecture (World Heritage)
- 5 Palazzolo Acreide — another world heritage listed Baroque town
- 6 Avola - a little town on the see between Siracusa and Noto
- 7 Pachino - the land of tomatoes
- 8 Portopalo di Capopassero - the most southern town in Sicily
- 9 Rosolini - an agriculture center between the 2 provinces Siracusa and Ragusa
- 1 Hyblaean Mountains (Monti Iblei) — the highest peak is Monte Lauro (986mt), Parco degli Iblei
- 2 Vendicari — natural reserve with a great beach
- Eloro District — The District south of Syracuse