байх - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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Mongolian | Cyrillic |
ᠪᠠᠶᠢᠬᠤ (bayiqu) | байх (bajx) |
From Proto-Mongolic *bayi-qu (“to stay, to be at”), compare Buryat байха (bajxa).
байх • (bajx)
- to be, have, appear, exist, keep, hold
- to reside, live, dwell, stay, remain, repose, rest, underlie
- to attend
- to consist, get, happen, conclude
- to move, go
- to hug
- to ride, sit
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positive | ||
habitual participle | байдаг | bajdag |
past participle | байсан | bajsan |
future participle | байх | bajx |
durative | байна | bajna |
terminative | байав | bajav |
confirmative | байлаа | bajlaa |
resultative | байжээ | bajžee |
imperative | бай | baj |
imperfective converb | байж | bajž |
Like verbs meaning "to be" in many languages, this verb is irregular. The habitual participle forms also include irregular байн (bajn). Negative forms:
- Present: байхгүй (bajxgüj)
- Present habitual: байдаггүй (bajdaggüj)
- Past: байгаагүй (bajgaagüj)
- байлгүй (bajlgüj)
Other forms:
- Conditional: байвал (bajval, “if (it) be”)
- Concessive: байвч (bajvč, “though (it) be”)
- байгаа (bajgaa, “is”)
- байгаад (bajgaad, “having been”)
- байгаарай (bajgaaraj, “please be”)
- байгаасай (bajgaasaj, “wish (it) would be; would that (it) could be”)
- байгаач (bajgaač, “beǃ”)
- Benedictive: байгтун (bajgtun, “please (be so kind as to) be”)
- Causative: байгуулах (bajguulax, “to cause to be; to form, found”)
- байгуузай (bajguuzaj, “in case (it) be; may be”)
- Causative: байлгах (bajlgax, “to cause to be; to keep, hold”)
- Adversative: байлдах (bajldax, “to be together; to fight”)
- байлтай (bajltaj, “should be; will probably be”)
- Communal: байлцах (bajlcax, “to be (together); to help to be”)
- Desiderative: баймаар (bajmaar, “want to be”)
- байнгуут (bajnguut, “as soon as being”)
- байсаар (bajsaar, “since being; still being”)
- Terminative: байтал (bajtal, “until being; when sb. was (expressing surprise)”)
- байтугай (bajtugaj, “let it be”)
- байх вий (bajx vii, “in case (it) be; may be”)
- байхад (bajxad, “when being; while being”)
- байхлаар (bajxlaar, “when being”)
- Collective: байцгаах (bajcgaax, “to be (collectively)”)