
սաստիկ - Wiktionary, the free dictionary


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From Old Armenian սաստիկ (sastik).

սաստիկ (sastik) (superlative ամենասաստիկ)

  1. severe, intense, terrible
    սաստիկ բուքsastik bukʻsevere snowstorm
  2. strong, powerful, fierce
  3. great, extreme, excessive

սաստիկ (sastik)

  1. severely, intensely, terribly, extremely
    սաստիկ ցավում եմsastik cʻavum emI am terribly sorry

սաստ (sast) +‎ -իկ (-ik)

սաստիկ (sastik)

  1. excessive, extreme, great, grievous, enormous
    սաստիկ տգէտsastik tgētdownright or perfectly ignorant person
  2. intense, violent, vehement, impetuous, strong, lively, ardent, fiery
  3. rigid, rigorous, rude, severe, austere, insupportable

սաստիկ (sastik)

  1. vehemently, vigorously, impetuously, strongly, with all one's force, power or strength
  2. greatly, excessively, extremely, grievously, violently, sharply, harshly, rigidly, severely, rigorously
  • Petrosean, Matatʻeay (1879) “սաստիկ”, in Nor Baṙagirkʻ Hay-Angliarēn [New Dictionary Armenian–English], Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy