تذكره - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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Borrowed from Arabic تَذْكِرَة (taḏkira).
تذكره • (tezkere or tezkire) (definite accusative تذكرهیی (tezkereyi), plural تذكرهلر (tezkereler))
- memorandum, slip, chit, a small sheet of paper with a hand-written note as a reminder
- Synonym: پوصوله (pusula)
- licence, permit, any legal document or artifact giving official permission to do something
- Synonym: برات (berat)
- discharge papers, an official document that releases soldiers from their obligation to serve
- memoir, biography, a nonfiction book showing a detailed description of a person's life story
- آو تذكرهسی (av tezkeresi, “hunting licence”)
- اجازت تذكرهسی (icazet tezkeresi, “diploma of theology”)
- اصناف تذكرهسی (esnaf tezkeresi, “trading licence”)
- تذكرهجی (tezkereci, “officer in charge of writing documents”)
- تذكرهلك (tezkerelik, “kind of writing paper”)
- دعوت تذكرهسی (daʼvet tezkeresi, “note of invitation”)
- یول تذكرهسی (yol tezkeresi, “passport”)
- Turkish: tezkere
- → Armenian: թէզքէրէ (tʻēzkʻērē), թէսքէրէ (tʻēskʻērē)
- → Romanian: teșcherea
- → Serbo-Croatian: tȅskera, те̏скера
- Avery, Robert et al., editors (2013), “tezkere”, in The Redhouse Dictionary Turkish/Ottoman English, 21st edition, Istanbul: Sev Yayıncılık, →ISBN
- Çağbayır, Yaşar (2007) “tezkere1”, in Ötüken Türkçe Sözlük (in Turkish), volume 1, Istanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat, page 4795
- Devellioğlu, Ferit (1962) “tezkere”, in Osmanlıca-Türkçe Ansiklopedik Lûgat[1] (in Turkish), Istanbul: Türk Dil Kurumu, page 1331
- Kélékian, Diran (1911) “تذكره”, in Dictionnaire turc-français[2], Constantinople: Mihran, page 357
- Meninski, Franciszek à Mesgnien (1687) “Syngrapha”, in Complementum thesauri linguarum orientalium, seu onomasticum latino-turcico-arabico-persicum, simul idem index verborum lexici turcico-arabico-persici, quod latinâ, germanicâ, aliarumque linguarum adjectâ nomenclatione nuper in lucem editum[3], Vienna, column 1644
- Meninski, Franciszek à Mesgnien (1680) “تذكره”, in Thesaurus linguarum orientalium, Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae, praecipuas earum opes à Turcis peculiariter usurpatas continens, nimirum Lexicon Turkico-Arabico-Persicum[4], Vienna, column 1132
- Nişanyan, Sevan (2002–) “tezkere”, in Nişanyan Sözlük
- Redhouse, James W. (1890) “تذكره”, in A Turkish and English Lexicon[5], Constantinople: A. H. Boyajian, page 523