
たる - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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たる (taru

  1. : waterfall
  2. : barrel

たる (taru

  1. 足る: be enough
  2. 垂る:

たる (taru

  1. Attributive form (連体形) of たり (tari).
    used after a noun, usually occupation, rank, position etc., indicating emphasis or responsibility.
    Kyōikusha taru watashi wa gakusei tachi o tadashii michi ni michibiku no da.
    As an educator, I will lead students to the right track.

たる (-tarugodan (stem たり (-tari), past たった (-tatta))

  1. (verb suffix, Kansai) Contraction of やる (-te yaru).
    Synonyms: (standard) やる (-te yaru), (standard) あげる (-te ageru)