- [adjective] [from 1595] flat, not steep
- [adjective] [from roughly 1600] straightforward, uncomplicated, straight, correct
- [adjective] [from roughly 1600] (chiefly in the negative) correct, right, complete, sufficient, satisfactory, proper
- [adjective] [from late 1600s] peaceful, tranquil, serene (said of one's surroundings)
- [adjective] [from 1700] even-tempered, easygoing, relaxed
- [noun] [from 1595] flatness
- [noun] [from roughly 1600] straightforwardness, uncomplicatedness, straightness, correctness
- [noun] [from roughly 1600] (mostly used in negative expressions) correctness, rightness, completeness, sufficientness, satisfactoriness, properness
- [noun] [from late 1600s] peacefulness, tranquility, serenity (said of one's surroundings)
- [noun] [from 1700] an even temper, easygoingness, relaxedness
- [noun] (financial, archaic) the number six, 6 (used only in legal documents, otherwise 六)
Alternative spellings 碌, 六