
ㄈ - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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See also: , , , , and

Stroke order
2 strokes

  1. type: initial consonant
  2. general transliteration: f
  3. keyboard key: Z

Derived from "right open box" radical (fāng) (Mandarin: fāng).

Initial consonant derived from "right open box" radical (fāng) (Mandarin: fāng) + rhyme.

  • Phoneme:
    1. 4th letter of the Zhuyin alphabet
    2. 5th letter of the extended Zhuyin alphabet

    Northern Qiandong Miao


    (f) (Hutton)

    1. 4th letter of the Hmu Zhuyin alphabet
    • Joakim Enwall, A Myth Become Reality Vol.1 (Stockholm, 1994) page 198