
㝵 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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(Kangxi radical 41, +5, 8 strokes, cangjie input 日一木戈 (AMDI), composition )

simp. and trad.
alternative forms 𠭁

Etymology 1: Ideogrammic compound (會意 / 会意): (cowry) + (hand) – to obtain.

Etymology 2: From removing 彳 from () (see 裘錫圭《文字學概念(修訂本)》P134-138).

For pronunciation and definitions of – see (“to get; to obtain; to gain, to acquire; to contract; to become ill with; etc.”).
(This character is an ancient form of ).

(Hyōgai kanji)

  1. get
  2. complacent
  3. injure, offend
  4. concern
  5. obstruct, hinder, stop progress
  6. hindrance, restraint

As variant kanji and component of :

As variant kanji of :

Used in Old Japanese as 借音 (shakuon) kana for ⟨ge2.

: Hán Việt readings: đắc, ngại
: Nôm readings: ngày

  1. Alternative form of 𣈜 (chữ Nôm form of ngày (day; date; daytime).)
  2. Variant of , see there for more details.