
亪 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

(Kangxi radical 8, +5, 7 strokes, cangjie input 卜金一人 (YCMO), composition )

  • Kangxi Dictionary: not present, would follow page 88, character 16
  • Dae Jaweon: not present, would follow page 187, character 9
  • Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): not present, would follow volume 1, page 284, character 3
  • Unihan data for U+4EAA
A user suggests that this Korean entry be cleaned up, giving the reason: “do 난 and 역 exist in actual usage or are they poor-quality inference from 란 (두음법칙) and 亦 (有邊讀邊)”.
Please see the discussion on Requests for cleanup(+) for more information and remove this template after the problem has been dealt with.

Combination of the characters (yeok, also, too, likewise) and or simplified form of (geup, and, as well as).

From (ran, “that/what is called”).

(eumhun 구결자 (gugyeolja ran))

  1. Kwukyel form of (ran)

Corrupted from the (ran) above.

(eumhun 구결자 (gugyeolja nan))

  1. Kwukyel form of (nan)

From the eum-reading of (yeok).

(eumhun 구결자 (gugyeolja yeok))

  1. Kwukyel form of (yeok)