
拡 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary


(Kangxi radical 64, +5, 8 strokes, cangjie input 手戈戈 (QII), composition )

  1. expand, enlarge, stretch
  • Kangxi Dictionary: not present, would follow page 427, character 16
  • Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 11985
  • Dae Jaweon: page 776, character 12
  • Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): not present, would follow volume 3, page 1857, character 2
  • Unihan data for U+62E1

For pronunciation and definitions of – see (“to expand; to enlarge; to stretch”).
(This character is a variant form of ).

(Sixth grade kyōiku kanjishinjitai kanji, kyūjitai form )

  1. broaden
  2. extend
  3. expand
  4. enlarge