
框架 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

frame; door frame

to support; frame; rack

to support; frame; rack; framework; measure word for planes, large vehicles, radios, etc.

trad. (框架)
simp. #(框架)


  1. (architecture) framework
  2. (figurative) framework; structure; frame
    理論框架理论框架  ―  lǐlùn kuàngjià  ―  theoretical framework
    市政府公司簽署合作框架協議 [MSC, trad.]
    市政府公司签署合作框架协议 [MSC, simp.]
    Shìzhèngfǔ yǔ gōngsī qiānshǔ le hézuò kuàngjià xiéyì. [Pinyin]
    The city government has signed a cooperative framework agreement with the company.
  • (structure):