
消費 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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See also: 消费

consume; news; subside

consume; news; subside; to disappear; to vanish

to cost; to spend; fee

to cost; to spend; fee; wasteful; expenses; surname

trad. (消費)
simp. (消费)


  1. to consume (goods and services)
  2. to spend money (especially at a place of business); to make purchases; to shop
    消費體驗消费体验  ―  xiāofèi tǐyàn  ―  shopping experience
    減少儲蓄增加消費 [MSC, trad.]
    减少储蓄增加消费 [MSC, simp.]
    jiǎnshǎo chǔxù, zēngjiā xiāofèi [Pinyin]
    to save less and spend more


  1. consumption (of goods and services); spending
    消費模式消费模式  ―  xiāofèi móshì  ―  consumption pattern
    消費信心消费信心  ―  xiāofèi xìnxīn  ―  consumer confidence
    消費需求消费需求  ―  xiāofèi xūqiú  ―  consumer demand
  2. cost of living; living expenses
    澳大利亞消費 [MSC, trad.]
    澳大利亚消费 [MSC, simp.]
    Àodàlìyà xiāofèi gāo ma? [Pinyin]
    Is the cost of living in Australia high?
  • (cost of living):
Kanji in this term
Grade: 3

Grade: 5

消(しょう)費() (shōhiせうひ (seufi)?

  1. consumption, expenditure

消(しょう)費()する (shōhi surutransitive suru (stem 消(しょう)費(ひ) (shōhi shi), past 消(しょう)費(ひ)した (shōhi shita))

  1. consume, spend, use
Katsuyōkei ("stem forms")
Mizenkei ("imperfective") 消費し しょうひし shōhi shi
Ren’yōkei ("continuative") 消費し しょうひし shōhi shi
Shūshikei ("terminal") 消費する しょうひする shōhi suru
Rentaikei ("attributive") 消費する しょうひする shōhi suru
Kateikei ("hypothetical") 消費すれ しょうひすれ shōhi sure
Meireikei ("imperative") 消費せよ¹
shōhi seyo¹
shōhi shiro²
Key constructions
Passive 消費される しょうひされる shōhi sareru
Causative 消費させる
shōhi saseru
shōhi sasu
Potential 消費できる しょうひできる shōhi dekiru
Volitional 消費しよう しょうひしよう shōhi shiyō
Negative 消費しない しょうひしない shōhi shinai
Negative continuative 消費せず しょうひせず shōhi sezu
Formal 消費します しょうひします shōhi shimasu
Perfective 消費した しょうひした shōhi shita
Conjunctive 消費して しょうひして shōhi shite
Hypothetical conditional 消費すれば しょうひすれば shōhi sureba
¹ Written imperative

² Spoken imperative

  • 2002, Ineko Kondō; Fumi Takano; Mary E Althaus; et. al., Shogakukan Progressive Japanese-English Dictionary, Third Edition, Tokyo: Shōgakukan, →ISBN.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  2. 2.0 2.1 NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute, editor (1998), NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 [NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary] (in Japanese), Tokyo: NHK Publishing, Inc., →ISBN
  3. ^ Kindaichi, Kyōsuke et al., editors (1997), 新明解国語辞典 [Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten] (in Japanese), Fifth edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN
Hanja in this term

消費 (sobi) (hangeul 소비)

  1. hanja form? of 소비 (consumption)
chữ Hán Nôm in this term


  1. chữ Hán form of tiêu phí (consumption).