
萬萬 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary


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See also: 万万

ten thousand; a great number; surname ten thousand; a great number; surname
trad. (萬萬)
simp. (万万)


  1. absolutely (not)
    金錢萬能萬萬 [MSC, trad.]
    金钱万能万万 [MSC, simp.]
    Jīnqián bù shì wànnéng de, dàn méi qián shì wànwàn bù néng de. [Pinyin]
    Money can't do everything, but you certainly can't do anything without money.
    萬萬想到阿姨殺手 [MSC, trad.]
    万万想到阿姨杀手 [MSC, simp.]
    wànwàn méi xiǎngdào tā de āyí shì shāshǒu. [Pinyin]
    She never suspected for a minute that her aunty was a killer.
    恐怕搬家萬萬不行 [MSC, trad.]
    恐怕搬家万万不行 [MSC, simp.]
    Kǒngpà bānjiā shì wànwàn bùxíng de. [Pinyin]
    Unfortunately, moving is out of the question.
  • This adverb is almost always followed by a negative expression.


  1. (rare) hundred million
  2. (rare) thousand myriads
  3. (figurative) numbers of; large quantities of; great deal of
  • (hundred million): 亿 ()
  • (numbers of):