
심 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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싀 ←→ 싸

Cognate with Korean (him).

Revised Romanization?sim
Revised Romanization (translit.)?sim
Yale Romanization?sim


  1. strength; power
  • ” in Jeju's culture and language, Digital museum.
Revised Romanization?sim
Revised Romanization (translit.)?sim
Yale Romanization?sim

Sino-Korean word from (heart). Compare Chinese (xīn, “pith; wick; core”), Japanese 芯(しん) (shin, pith; wick; core).

(sim) (hanja )

  1. internal object crucial to something functioning:
    1. core of a pencil; lead
      연필 yeonpil simpencil core
    2. staple of a stapler
      스테이플러 seuteipeulleo simstapler staple
    3. pith (of a tree, a plant)
      배추 baechu-ui simcore of a cabbage
    4. (medicine) tent (linen roll applied to wounds)
    5. wick (of a lamp, a candle)
      Synonym: 심지 (simji)
    6. pad, padding (in clothing)

—심 (-sim) (hanja )

  1. emotion, mind

Perhaps shifted from (, sam, “ginseng”).


  1. (ginseng-harvesters' cant) ginseng
    봤다!sim bwatda!I hit the jackpot! (literally, “I saw ginseng!”)


  1. Gyeongsang and Gangwon form of (him, strength).

Modern Korean reading of various Chinese characters.


More information

  1. : mind
    (eumhun reading: 마음 (ma'eum sim))
    (MC reading: (MC sim))
  2. : to sink
    (eumhun reading: 가라앉을 (garaanjeul sim))
    (MC reading: (MC syimX))
  3. : to survey
    (eumhun reading: 살필 (salpil sim))
    (MC reading: (MC syimX))
  4. : deep
    (eumhun reading: 깊을 (gipeul sim))
    (MC reading: (MC syim|syimH))
  5. : excessive
    (eumhun reading: 심할 (simhal sim))
    (MC reading: (MC dzyimX|dzyimH))
  6. : to seek
    (eumhun reading: 찾을 (chajeul sim))
    (MC reading: (MC zim))
  7. : common rush
    (eumhun reading: 골풀 (golpul sim))
    (MC reading: )
  8. : juice
    (eumhun reading: (jeup sim))
    (MC reading: (MC tsyhimX))
  9. : to seep
    (eumhun reading: 스며들 (seumyeodeul sim))
    (MC reading: (MC tshimH))
  10. : truly
    (eumhun reading: (cham sim))
    (MC reading: (MC dzyim))