
1 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

See also: , !1, 1., 𝟏, 𝟙, l, ӏ, Ӏ, ı, I, 𐑑, , , and ا

Text style Emoji style
1︎ 1️
Text style is forced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
1 U+0031, 1


Basic Latin 2

Character variations

Nepali variation of Devanāgarī script १ (1, “éka”), the source for Latin ‘1’ Tenth century “West Arabic” variation of the Nepali form of Hindu-Arabic numerals (compare Devanagari script (1, éka)), possibly influenced by Roman numeral , both ultimately from using a single stroke to represent the number one. See 1 § As a digit on WikipediaWikipedia for more.

1 (previous 0, next 2)

  1. The cardinal number one, a single thing or unit.
  2. A digit in decimal and every other base numbering system, including binary, octal, and hexadecimal.
    15 × 134 = 2010
    0010 00112 (the number 35 in binary notation)
    0x1000E001 (the number 268492801 in hexadecimal notation)
  3. (mathematics) The identity element with respect to multiplication in a ring.
    a×1 = a
  4. (computer science) Bit state corresponding to binary digit 1, or on or true.
  5. (mathematics) A Boolean or truth value corresponding to true.
    f : Bk → B : B = {0, 1}
  6. (mathematics) The one-point topological space, trivial ring, trivial group, a category with a single object or a (canonical) singleton.
  7. (phonetics, often superscript) the pitch of a tone, either high or low depending on local convention; '1' is most commonly the highest or lowest pitch (but see 0)
    Synonyms: ˥, ˩
  8. (phonetics, Sinosphere, often superscript) tone number 1, typically identified with dark level yin ping (陰平). May simply be level ping tone () if the yin–yang distinction is not made.
  9. (linguistics, superscript) accent 1 in Norwegian, Swedish and Limburgish.
    Norwegian/Swedish toneme 1 is sometimes transcribed with a simple primary stress mark, that is ˈ.
  10. (linguistics) First person.
    Coordinate terms: 2, 3
  • Letter styles
  • Lining digit 1.

    Lining digit 1.

  • Oldstyle 1 in Fraktur script.

    Oldstyle 1 in Fraktur script.

The following forms are equivalent as a decimal digit:

The following additional forms are equivalent as a cardinal number:

Derived terms

Other representations of 1:


  1. (nonstandard) Alternative form of Ӏ/ӏ (Cyrillic letter palochka)


  1. (Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of !, imitating someone who is too excited to consistently press the shift key while typing exclamation marks.
    Synonyms: one, eleven
    A: someone hlep me pls im always losing!!!1!
    B: Thats bcuz ur st00pid!!!!!11!!oneone!!1!!eleven!1
  2. (gaming, often derogatory) Abbreviation of one-shot or one-shotted.

1 (plural 1s)

  1. (sports, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing) Clipping of 180. (180° spin)

deliberate misspelling of !


  1. one
  2. (gay slang) top
  • (Hong Kong Cantonese) 1仔 (jat1 zai2)
  • 0 (líng)
  • 0.5 (língdiǎnwǔ)


  1. (text messaging) Abbreviation of ein.
The Nordic pharmacy chain Apotek1.

(suffix): From the homophony between ett (one, neuter) and the grammatical suffixes.


  1. (Internet slang, leetspeak, sarcastic) Deliberate misspelling of !


  1. (nonstandard suffix) -et (singular definite nominative; the)
  2. (nonstandard suffix) -et (neuter singular)

    Mog1 av dig.

    Very mature of you.
  • mog1 (mature) (slang)