
-öttetek - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From -ött (past-tense suffix) +‎ -etek (second-person plural suffix).


  1. (past-tense suffix) Forms the second-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugation).
    köszönt (to greet) + ‎-öttetek → ‎köszöntöttetek (you [pl] (have/had) greeted)
    Mindig udvariasan köszöntöttetek az utcán.You always greeted me politely on the street.
    süt (to bake) + ‎-öttetek → ‎sütöttetek (you [pl] (have/had) baked)
    Egész nap kenyeret sütöttetek.You've been baking bread all day.
  • (past-tense suffix) Variants:
    -tatok is added to most back-vowel verbs
    -tetek is added to most front-vowel verbs
    -ttatok is added to back-vowel verbs ending in a vowel (, , ó, , , szí)
    -ttetek is added to front-vowel verbs ending in a vowel (, , , , nyű, sző)
    -ottatok is added to back-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or a long vowel + t, or to monosyllables ending in -t (fut, hat, jut, nyit, except lát)
    -ettetek is added to unrounded front-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or a long vowel + t, or to monosyllables ending in -t (vet)
    -öttetek is added to rounded front-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or a long vowel + t, or to monosyllables ending in -t (köt, süt, üt)