
-ban - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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-ban/-ben (inessive case suffix)

  1. Inside a definable space. Question word: hol? (where?).
    ágy (bed) + ‎-ban → ‎ágyban (in bed)
    A gyerekek már ágyban voltak.The children were already in bed.
  2. In a defined period of time. Question word: mikor? (when?)
    január (January) + ‎-ban → ‎januárban (in January)
    Januárban sok hó esett.It snowed a lot in January.
  3. In some situation or condition. Question word: hogyan? (how?)
    csoport (group) + ‎-ban → ‎csoportban (in group)
    Két csoportban utaztunk.We traveled in two groups.
    ruha (dress) + ‎-ban → ‎ruhában (in [a] dress)
    Ebben a ruhában nem mehetsz el.You can't go out in this dress.
  4. The cause or trigger of something. Question word: miért? (why? for what reason?)
    Súlyos betegségben szenved.He/she is suffering from a serious illness.
    A nagyapám rákban halt meg.My grandfather died of cancer.
    A szülők sírtak örömükben.The parents wept with joy.
  5. In some adverbs.
    általában (in general, generally, usually)
    elsősorban (primarily, mainly, first of all, above all)
  6. In some postpositions.
    Érdeklődés hiányában az előadás elmaradt.Due to lack of interest, the show was cancelled.
    érdekében (for the benefit of, in the interest of)
    következtében (in consequence of, as a consequence of)
  • (inessive case suffix) Variants:
    -ban is added to back-vowel words. Final -a changes to .
    ház (house) + ‎-ban → ‎a házban (in the house)
    alma (apple) + ‎-ban → ‎az almában (in the apple)
    -ben is added to front-vowel words. Final -e changes to -é-
    kert (garden) + ‎-ben → ‎a kertben (in the garden)
    béke (peace) + ‎-ben → ‎békében (in peace)


  1. Rōmaji transcription of ばん