
-vel - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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See at -val.

-vel (instrumental case suffix)

  1. Front-vowel variant of -val. See details there.
    repülő (airplane) + ‎-vel → ‎repülővel (by airplane)
  • (instrumental case suffix) Variants:
    -val is added to back-vowel words. Final -a changes to -á-.
    anya (mother)Anyával mentem vásárolni.I went to shop with Mother.
    -vel is added to front-vowel words. Final -e changes to -é-.
    zene (music)Zenével szórakoztatta a vendégeket.He entertained the guests with music.
  • When it is added to a word ending in a consonant, the v assimilates to the final consonant, and the final consonant becomes long:
    busz (bus) + ‎-val → ‎busszal (by bus) (unassimilated forms like buszval are nonstandard, occurring in some dialects)
    segítség (help) + ‎-vel → ‎segítséggel (with help)