-zik - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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See also: zik
- (verb-forming suffix) Added to a noun to form a verb.
- főzőcske (“cooking”) + -zik → főzőcskézik (“to cook”)
- hullám (“wave”) + -zik → hullámzik (“to wave, ripple”)
- to play the (when the base word is a musical instrument; exception: hegedül (“to play the violin”))
- zongora (“piano”) + -zik → zongorázik (“to play the piano”)
- to play (with) (when the base word is a toy or a game)
- to play some sports (when the base word is a sports equipment)
- korcsolya (“skate”) + -zik → korcsolyázik (“to skate”)
- vitorla (“sail”) + -zik → vitorlázik (“to sail”)
- to ride/travel on something (when the base word is a vehicle or a means of transportation)
- bicikli (“bicycle”) + -zik → biciklizik (“to bicycle, to ride a bicycle”)
- to consume, eat, drink (when the base word is food or drink)
- (verb-forming suffix) Variants:
- -zik is generally added to words ending in a vowel. Final -a changes to -á-. Final -e changes to -é-.
- -azik is added to some back-vowel words
- -ázik is added only to a couple of words
- csónak (“boat”) + -ázik → csónakázik (“to boat, go boating”)
- -ozik is added to most back-vowel words
- -ezik is added to unrounded (and some rounded) front-vowel words
- -özik is added to most rounded front-vowel words
- The following subvariants can be found only in a few verbs. They usually freely alternate with the above main variants, although some of the verbs developed a difference in meaning. E.g. hibázik (“to make a mistake”) vs. hibádzik (“to be amiss <denoting something faulty or missing>”)
- Note: Certain words take another, synonymous suffix, -z/-oz/-az/-ez/-öz/-áz or -l/-ol/-al/-el/-öl/-ál.