
Assamese - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Assam +‎ -ese.

Assamese (comparative more Assamese, superlative most Assamese)

  1. Of, from or relating to the northeast-Indian state of Assam, or the region for which it is named.
  2. In or relating to its majority people's Indo-Aryan language.

    Only three in five Assamese (citizens of Assam) are linguistic Assamese.

of, from or relating to Assam


  1. The Indo-Aryan language spoken by the majority people in the state of Assam, NE India.


Assamese (plural Assameses or Assamese)

  1. (chiefly in the plural) A member of the people of Assam.

As with other terms for people formed with -ese, the countable singular noun in reference to a person (as in "I am an Assamese", "writing about Assamese cuisine as an Assamese") is uncommon and often taken as incorrect. In its place, the adjective is used, by itself (as in "I am Assamese") or before a noun like person, man, or woman ("writing about Assamese cuisine as an Assamese person"). See also -ish, which is similarly only used primarily as an adjective or as a plural noun.
