
Reconstruction:Proto-Turkic/kān - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.).


  1. blood
Declension of *kān
singular 3)
nominative *kān
accusative *kānïg, *kānnï1)
genitive *kānnïŋ
dative *kānka
locative *kānta
ablative *kāntan
allative *kāngaru
instrumental 2) *kānïn
equative 2) *kānča
similative 2) *kānlayu
comitative 2) *kānlïgu

1) Originally used only in pronominal declension.
2) The original instrumental, equative, similative, and comitative cases have fallen into disuse in many modern Turkic languages.
3) Plurality in Proto-Turkic is disputed. See also the notes on the Proto-Turkic/Locative-ablative case and plurality page on Wikibooks.

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