en.wiktionary.orgW̱ - Wiktionary, the free dictionary Contents From Wiktionary, the free dictionary IPA(key): /xʷ/ W̱ The thirty-fourth letter of the Saanich alphabet, written in the Latin script. (Latin-script letters) A, Á, Ⱥ, B, C, Ć, Ȼ, D, E, H, I, Í, J, K, Ꝁ, Ꝃ, ₭, Ḵ, Ḱ, L, Ƚ, M, N, Ṉ, O, P, Q, S, Ś, T, Ⱦ, Ṯ, Ŧ, U, W, W̱, X, X̱, Y, Z, s, ¸