
broadcaster - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From broadcast (to transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means) +‎ -er (suffix forming agent nouns).[1]

broadcaster (plural broadcasters)

  1. (agriculture)
    1. A machine used to broadcast or spread seeds, fertilizer, etc.
    2. (obsolete) A person who sows seeds by scattering; also, one who promotes sowing seeds in this manner instead of by drilling (making holes in the soil and placing seeds in them).
      Antonym: driller
  2. (broadcasting)
    1. A piece of equipment used to transmit audio and/or video content, or messages, to be received by radios or televisions, over the internet, etc.
    2. An organization or station that engages in the activity of such broadcasting.
    3. A person whose job it is to effect such broadcasts; specifically, one who presents radio or television programmes (especially documentaries or news programmes); a presenter.
  3. (computing) A piece of equipment used to transmit data over a computer network.

machine used to broadcast or spread seeds, fertilizer, etc.

piece of equipment used to transmit audio and/or video content, or messages, to be received by radios or televisions, over the internet, etc.

organization or station that engages in the activity of such broadcasting

person whose job it is to effect such broadcasts

one who presents radio or television programmes see presenter