
enhaucier - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Vulgar Latin *inaltiāre, with the /h/ taken from haut.


  1. elevate
  2. enhance

This verb conjugates as a first-group verb ending in -ier, with a palatal stem. These verbs are conjugated mostly like verbs in -er, but there is an extra i before the e of some endings. The forms that would normally end in *-c, *-cs, *-ct are modified to z, z, zt. In addition, c becomes ç before an a, o or u to keep the /ts/ sound intact. Old French conjugation varies significantly by date and by region. The following conjugation should be treated as a guide.

simple compound
infinitive enhaucier avoir enhaucié
gerund en enhauçant gerund of avoir + past participle
present participle enhauçant
past participle enhaucié
person singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative jo tu il nos vos il
present enhauz enhauces enhauce enhauçons enhauciez enhaucent
imperfect enhauçoie, enhauceie, enhauçoe, enhaucieve enhauçoies, enhauceies, enhauçoes, enhaucieves enhauçoit, enhauceit, enhauçot, enhaucieve enhauciiens, enhauciens enhauciiez, enhauciez enhauçoient, enhauceient, enhauçoent, enhaucievent
preterite enhauçai enhauças enhauça enhauçames enhauçastes enhaucierent
future enhaucerai enhauceras enhaucera enhaucerons enhauceroiz, enhaucereiz, enhaucerez enhauceront
conditional enhauceroie, enhaucereie enhauceroies, enhaucereies enhauceroit, enhaucereit enhauceriiens, enhauceriens enhauceriiez, enhauceriez enhauceroient, enhaucereient
present perfect present tense of avoir + past participle
pluperfect imperfect tense of avoir + past participle
past anterior preterite tense of avoir + past participle
future perfect future tense of avoir + past participle
conditional perfect conditional tense of avoir + past participle
subjunctive que jo que tu qu’il que nos que vos qu’il
present enhauz enhauz enhauzt enhauçons enhauciez enhaucent
imperfect enhauçasse enhauçasses enhauçast enhaucissons, enhaucissiens enhaucissoiz, enhaucissez, enhaucissiez enhauçassent
past present subjunctive of avoir + past participle
pluperfect imperfect subjunctive of avoir + past participle
imperative tu nos vos
enhauce enhauçons enhauciez