
ff. - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Abbreviation of Latin foliō (on the (next) page), ablative of folium (leaf, page).


  1. and the following (pages, paragraphs etc.)
  • The abbreviation ff. is used in citation to refer to a section for which no final page number can usefully be given. If there is only a single section following, f. may be used instead.
  • More properly, it is still used, as originally, to refer to the next page or pages in a citation. As such, Hornblower 258 f. would refer to pages 258–259, whereas 258 ff. would refer to an undetermined number of pages following page 258.

and the following

  • Catalan: s. (ca) (p. 3 s., p. 3s. - pàgina 3 i següents)
  • Danish: ff.
  • Finnish: ja seur.
  • French: et ss. pl (et suivantes), (p. 3 et ss. - page 3 et suivantes), s. (fr) pl (page x et suivantes)
  • German: ff. (de)
  • Greek: κ.εξ. (k.ex.)
  • Lingala: el. (eso landa)
  • Spanish: ss. (p. 3 y ss., p. 3 ss. - página 3 y siguientes), y sigs. f pl
  • Swedish: ff. (sv)
  • Turkish: vd. (tr) pl


  1. ff. (and the following pages)

Originally the plural of the abbreviation of New Latin foliō (on the (next) page), ablative of folium (leaf, page). Later also explained as an abbreviation of folgende.

ff. (indeclinable)

  1. (of pages) Abbreviation of folgende(n) pl (“following”, “subsequent”); akin to English ff., et seqq.. (The word fortfolgend has been coined as a folk-etymological explanation of this abbreviation and is not commonly encountered in other use than this fanciful explanation, which is in fact a backronym.)
    • 1926–8, Leumann–Hofmann–Szantyr, Lateinische Grammatik I: Lateinische Laut- und Formenlehre (2nd ed., 1977), Formenlehre Nomen II.B, § 273:1.d, page 290:

      Lit. zu den Gentilicia (aus Patronymika): Schulze, EN 385 f. -eius, 432 ff. -eius (bei etrusk. Namenstämmen älter noch -aeus), 457 f. -eius und -uleius; dazu 284 lēguleius sterteius.

      Literature pertaining to nomina gentilicia (from patronyms): Schulze, EN 385 f. -eius, 432 ff. -eius (older still in Etruscan name stems -aeus), 457 f. -eius and -uleius; as in 284 lēguleius sterteius.