
hairgrip - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

A plain hairgrip

From hair +‎ grip.

hairgrip (plural hairgrips)

  1. A flat hairpin having two prongs that hold bobbed hair together.
    • 1981, Gillian Allnutt, Spitting the Pips Out, page 51:

      Eve had chewed the cushion tip from her hairgrip and had begun bending back one end of the stiff piece of metal.

    • 1985, Patricia Ferguson, Family myths and legends, page 8:

      Then she leant over towards the bedside table, selected a hairgrip from amongst the crusted trio littered beside her hairbrush, and tenderly inserted the looped end into her right ear, turning it delicately to dredge for wax.

    • 2016, Leif G. W. Persson, The Dying Detective, page 111:

      “The hairgrip was in this envelope", Ulrika Stenholm said, passing him another small plastic bag containing a white envelope.

flat hairpin with two prongs