
hoary fringe moss - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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hoary fringe moss (uncountable)

  1. Racomitrium canescens, a moss in the family Grimmiaceae.
    • 1831, Priscilla Wakefield, An Introduction to Botany‎[1], 10th edition, page 224:

      Trichostomum (Fringe-moss) is less frequently met with; some species occur in mountainous districts and one, Hoary fringe-moss, we have found on our own heath.

    • 1861, Margaret Plues, Rambles in Search of Mosses‎[2], page 21:

      The Oval-fruited Fringe moss is peculiar to the hills of Scotland, Wales and Ireland; the Dark Mountain Fringe moss grows on wet rocks by rivulets in similar situations; Slender Mountain Fringe moss prefers exposed places, as does also the Woolly Fringe moss; the Green Mountain Fringe moss favours rocks; and the Hoary Fringe moss is so kind as to grow on this rough wall.

    • 1883, The Microscopical News and Northern Microscopist‎[3], volume 3, page 66:

      R. canescens, the hoary Fringe Moss, is found on sandy heaths and stony places in loose yellowish-green patches []

Racomitrium canescens