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From iste + -ce.

  • isthic (formerly used in New Latin)

istic m (feminine istaec, neuter istuc or istoc)

  1. this same, this very
  2. that of yours
  • The declension mostly followed that of hic, which in some cases would yield forms indistinguishable from forms of iste. In other cases, this would yield forms which simply are not attested: *istuius for the genitive singular and *istuic for the dative singular. Those forms and the forms overlapping with forms of iste are not listed here; only attested non-overlapping forms are.
  • In some sources the particle -ce was added directly to forms of iste in such overlapping cases; thus for example istīusce is attested for the genitive singular of all genders, and istōsce for the masculine accusative plural. Other such forms may also be attested.
Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
nominative istic istaec istuc, istoc istaec
accusative istunc istanc istuc, istoc istaec
ablative istōc istāc istōc
type demonstrative anaphoric identity interrogative/
indefinite negative other
proximal medial distal relative indefinite free choice universal negative polarity
basic hic iste, istic ille, illic is ipse, īdem quis/quī quisquis, quīcumque quis, quī, quīdam, aliquis, aliquī, quispiam quīvis, quīlibet quisque quisquam, ūllus, °aliquisquam nēmō, nihil, nūllus alius
dual uter utercumque alteruter utervīs, uterlibet uterque neuter alter
place hīc istīc illīc ibī̆ ibī̆dem ubī̆ ubiubi, ubī̆cumque alicubī, uspiam ubivīs, ubilibet ubīque usquam nusquam, nūllibī alibī, aliās
source hinc istinc illinc inde indidem unde undecumque, undeunde alicunde °undelibet undique aliunde
destination hūc, °hōrsum istūc, °istōrsum illūc, °illōrsum eōdem quō, quōrsum quōquō, quōcumque aliquō, quōpiam, °aliquōvorsum quōvīs, quōlibet quōquam nusquam, nūllōrsum aliō, aliōrsum
hāc istāc illāc eādem quā quāquā, quācumque aliquā quāvīs, quālibet quāque nēquāquam, haudquāquam aliā
manner hōc modō istō modō illō modō ita, sīc,
item, itidem ut, quī, quō modō, quōmodo, quemadmodum utut, utcumque, quōmodocumque quī, quōdam modō, aliquō modō quōmodolibet utīque ūllō modō nūllō modō aliter, aliōquī, alterō/aliō modō
time num, nunc ōlim tum, tunc simul quandō, ‡cum cumque, quandōcumque, quandōque quondam, aliquandō quandōlibet quandōque umquam numquam aliās
quantity tam tamen, †tandem quam quamquam aliquam quamvīs, quamlibet
size tantus tantusdem quantus quantuscumque aliquantus quantusvīs, quantuslibet
quality tālis quālis quālis, quāliscumque aliquālis quālislibet
number tot totidem quot quotquot, quotcumque aliquot quotlibet
order totus quotus quotuscumque aliquotus quotuslibet
repetition totiēns quotiēns quotiēnscumque aliquotiēns quotiēnslibet
multiplication totuplex quotuplex
† Turned conjunction with original meaning somewhat dissimulated
° Rare
‡only used as a conjunction, not as an interrogative

From the lost locative singular of the above pronoun, compare hīc and illīc.

  • (Old Latin or archaic) istī

istīc (not comparable)

  1. there, in that (very) place, here (particularly used in direct speech to address the place of the one being talked to)
  2. (figuratively) herein, in this affair, on this occasion, on that side
type demonstrative anaphoric identity interrogative/
indefinite negative other
proximal medial distal relative indefinite free choice universal negative polarity
basic hic iste, istic ille, illic is ipse, īdem quis/quī quisquis, quīcumque quis, quī, quīdam, aliquis, aliquī, quispiam quīvis, quīlibet quisque quisquam, ūllus, °aliquisquam nēmō, nihil, nūllus alius
dual uter utercumque alteruter utervīs, uterlibet uterque neuter alter
place hīc istīc illīc ibī̆ ibī̆dem ubī̆ ubiubi, ubī̆cumque alicubī, uspiam ubivīs, ubilibet ubīque usquam nusquam, nūllibī alibī, aliās
source hinc istinc illinc inde indidem unde undecumque, undeunde alicunde °undelibet undique aliunde
destination hūc, °hōrsum istūc, °istōrsum illūc, °illōrsum eōdem quō, quōrsum quōquō, quōcumque aliquō, quōpiam, °aliquōvorsum quōvīs, quōlibet quōquam nusquam, nūllōrsum aliō, aliōrsum
hāc istāc illāc eādem quā quāquā, quācumque aliquā quāvīs, quālibet quāque nēquāquam, haudquāquam aliā
manner hōc modō istō modō illō modō ita, sīc,
item, itidem ut, quī, quō modō, quōmodo, quemadmodum utut, utcumque, quōmodocumque quī, quōdam modō, aliquō modō quōmodolibet utīque ūllō modō nūllō modō aliter, aliōquī, alterō/aliō modō
time num, nunc ōlim tum, tunc simul quandō, ‡cum cumque, quandōcumque, quandōque quondam, aliquandō quandōlibet quandōque umquam numquam aliās
quantity tam tamen, †tandem quam quamquam aliquam quamvīs, quamlibet
size tantus tantusdem quantus quantuscumque aliquantus quantusvīs, quantuslibet
quality tālis quālis quālis, quāliscumque aliquālis quālislibet
number tot totidem quot quotquot, quotcumque aliquot quotlibet
order totus quotus quotuscumque aliquotus quotuslibet
repetition totiēns quotiēns quotiēnscumque aliquotiēns quotiēnslibet
multiplication totuplex quotuplex
† Turned conjunction with original meaning somewhat dissimulated
° Rare
‡only used as a conjunction, not as an interrogative
  • istic in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • istic in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Allen, Joseph Henry, Greenough, James B. (1903) Allen and Greenough's New Latin grammar for schools and colleges: founded on comparative grammar, Boston: Ginn and Company, § 146, page 67.
  • G. T. A. Krüger, Grammatik der Lateinischen Sprache. Erste Abtheilung. Elementar- und Wortlehre. Elementar- und Wortlehre. Neue, gänzlich umgearbeitete Ausgabe der lateinischen Schulgrammatik von Aug. Grotefend, Hannover, 1842, page 263
  • Maurus Schinnagl, Lateinische Schulgrammatik für die zweite, dritte und vierte Klasse des Untergymnasiums, Wien, 1853, page 79
  • G. Billroth and for the third edition Friedrich Ellendt, Lateinische Schulgrammatik. Dritte Ausgabe, Leipzig, 1848, page 112
  • Peter Bullions, revised by Charles D. Morris, The Principles of Latin Grammar, comprising the substance of the most approved grammar extant, with an appendix and complete index. For the use of schools and colleges, New York, 1867, page 70f.
  • Peter Bullions, Principles of Latin Grammar; comprising the substance of the most approved grammar extant, with an appendix. For the use of schools and colleges, New York, 1854, page 77
  • Lewis Marcus, A Latin Grammar, London, 1861, page 26
  • John Smith, The New Hampshire Latin Grammar: comprehending all the necessary rules in orthography, etymology, syntax, and prosody; with explanatory and critical notes, and an appendix, Boston, 1802, page 36