
kì - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Compare Proto-Katuic *giil ~ *ʔŋgiil (to rub) (whence Pacoh kil (to rub off or against dirt)).

(, )

  1. to rub off, to rub out

Sino-Vietnamese word from (flag, banner).

  1. (only in compounds) flag, banner

Sino-Vietnamese word from (chess).

  1. (only in compounds) chess

Sino-Vietnamese word from (period, term).

  1. period, term (recurring interval of time)
    thiexamination period
    nghỉholiday period
    • 2022, Vietnamese Ministry of Education & Training, Thông tư số 15/2022/TT-BGDĐT‎[1], điều 9 §2:

      Mỗi môn học được giảng dạy trong 03 (ba) .

      Each subject is taught in 03 (three) terms.

  1. until; till

Sino-Vietnamese word from .

(diminutive reduplication kì kì)

  1. (colloquial) strange; odd
  2. (colloquial) awkward or tacky

Sino-Vietnamese word from .

  1. a capital city or citadel
  2. an area of land equal to 1,000 dặm (miles or leagues)
  3. a border [1]
  1. ^ ”, in Từ điển Hán Nôm [Sino-Vietnamese Dictionary], section Từ điển trích dẫn [Dictionary of Example Usage]