kì - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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- (nouns only) kỳ
Compare Proto-Katuic *giil ~ *ʔŋgiil (“to rub”) (whence Pacoh kil (“to rub off or against dirt”)).
Sino-Vietnamese word from 旗 (“flag, banner”).
Sino-Vietnamese word from 棋 (“chess”).
- (only in compounds) chess
Sino-Vietnamese word from 期 (“period, term”).
- period, term (recurring interval of time)
- kì thi ― examination period
- kì nghỉ ― holiday period
2022, Vietnamese Ministry of Education & Training, Thông tư số 15/2022/TT-BGDĐT[1], điều 9 §2:
Mỗi môn học được giảng dạy trong 03 (ba) kì.
- Each subject is taught in 03 (three) terms.
Sino-Vietnamese word from 奇.
kì (diminutive reduplication kì kì)
- (colloquial) strange; odd
- (colloquial) awkward or tacky
- cầu kì (求奇, “picky; fussy”)
- hiếu kì (好奇, “curious; inquisitive”)
- kì ảo (奇幻, “miraculous”)
- kì bí (奇秘)
- kì công (奇功, “extraordinary accomplishment”)
- kì cục (奇局, “strange; odd; weird”)
- kì cựu (奇舊)
- kì diệu (奇妙, “wonderful”)
- kì khôi (奇詼)
- kì lạ (“strange; odd; weird”)
- kì quái (奇怪, “bizarre; weird”)
- kì quan (奇觀, “a wonder”)
- kì tài (奇才)
- kì tích (奇跡, “miracle; exploit”)
- kì vĩ (奇偉, “grand”)
Sino-Vietnamese word from 圻.