
län - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Old Swedish län, from Middle Low German lēn and from late Old Norse lén, whence also Danish len, Norwegian len, Icelandic lén, Faroese len. Ultimately from Proto-Germanic *laihną "loan, fief".

län n

  1. (historical) fief, fiefdom
  2. a county,[1] a political subdivision of the Swedish state roughly corresponding to a British county

From Turkish lan.


  1. Alternative form of len (friend, buddy, pal)
  1. ^ Utrikes namnbok (7th ed., 2007) →ISBN

Borrowed from English land and German Land.

län (nominative plural läns)

  1. country (nation state)
    • 1952, Arie de Jong, Diatek nulik: Gospul ma ‚Matthaeus’. Kapit: II:

      E bi pinunedoms in drim nemü God ad no gegolön lü ‚Herodes’, ädatävoms ve veg votik lü län oksik.

      But they were given a warning in a dream in the name of God not to go back to Herod, and returned to their own country by a different way.