
micron - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

From French micron, from Ancient Greek μικρόν (mikrón), neuter of μικρός (mikrós, small).

micron (plural microns)

  1. (physics, metrology) The thousandth part of one millimeter; the millionth part of a meter; a micrometer.
    • 2009, Jonathan Amos, (bbc.co.uk) Satellites weigh California water
      As one spacecraft lurches and drags through the Earth's uneven gravity field, the second follows 210 km behind, measuring changes in their separation to the nearest micron (a thousandth of a millimetre).
    • 2020 May, Michael Thomas, David Smith, and Edward Moffatt, “THE USE OF GROUND GLASS AS A POZZOLAN”, in (Please provide the book title or journal name)[1]:

      Little pozzolanic reaction is evident for glass above 300 microns but the pozzolanic activity increases as the particle size is reduced below this size with good pozzolanic properties generally being achieved below about 45 microns (Federico & Chidiac 2009). [] In a second mix 20% of the Portland cement was replaced with the same Vycor glass which was ground to pass 45-micron (median particle size ~ 10 micron).

  2. (figurative) A very tiny amount.


From Ancient Greek μικρόν (mikrón), neuter of μικρός (mikrós, small).

micron (plural microns)

  1. (linguistics) Synonym of breve

micron m (plural microns)

  1. micron

From French.

micron m (invariable)

  1. micron

Borrowed from French micron or German Mikron.

micron m (plural microni)

  1. micron