
milliárdos - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Hungarian numbers (edit)
 ←  1,000  ←  1,000,000 (106) 1,000,000,000 (109) 1012  →  1015  → 
    Cardinal: milliárd
    Nominal: milliárdos
    Ordinal: milliárdodik
    A.o.: milliárdodszor, milliárdodjára
    Adverbial: milliárdszor
    Multiplier: milliárdszoros
    Distributive: milliárdonként
    Fractional: milliárdod
    Number of people: milliárdan

milliárd +‎ -os

  • IPA(key): [ˈmilijaːrdoʃ]
  • Hyphenation: mil‧li‧ár‧dos
  • Rhymes: -oʃ

milliárdos (not comparable)

  1. of or in the magnitude of a billion
    milliárdos veszteséga loss worth a billion

The following nominal numerals (adjectives or nouns), coined from numerals (with the suffix -s/-os/-as/-es/-ös in Hungarian), refer to items designated with a specific number, such as No. 1, No. 2 etc. (as opposed to 1st, 2nd etc.). Question word: hányas? Examples:

milliárdos (plural milliárdosok)

  1. billionaire