
mimmerkin - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From mimmer +‎ -kin. Cognate with Scots mimmerkin, memmerkin (a dwarf, dwarfish creature). Compare also mimmering (doting, dreaming).

mimmerkin (plural mimmerkins)

  1. (archaic, Scotland, dialectal) A deformed or freakish person; a dwarf or dwarfish creature.
    • 2014 February 14, Pat McIntosh, The Gil Cunningham Omnibus: The Harper's Quine, The Nicholas Feast, The Merchants's Mark, St. Mungo's Robin, C & R Crime, →ISBN:

      'So it's your problem, no mine, if the wee mimmerkin's run,' he added, wiping his hand on his jerkin. 'Get a move on, man, Iw ant to get a hold of Bernard Stewart before he takes refuge the wrong side of that wall.'

    • 2016 November 3, Shirley McKay, 1588: A Calendar of Crime: A Novel in Five Books, Casemate Publishers, →ISBN:

      'A mimmerkin. A dwarf.' 'I am not a dwarf.' Maude Benet had been stern. Sometimes even sharp. But she had not called folk names. Elspet had telt him, as Maude would have done. And he had laughed at her.