
not at all - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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not at all

  1. (emphatic) Not even a tiny bit; not in any way.
    Synonyms: by no means, hardly, in no way, not in the least, not in the slightest, not the least bit, not the slightest bit; devil a bit (dated, uncommon)
    Antonyms: a bit, a little bit, somewhat; in a way, to an extent

    He's not at all friendly towards his ex-wife.


not at all

  1. (idiomatic) Used similarly to you're welcome, as a conventional reply to an expression of gratitude.

    —Thank you for this very thoughtful present. —Not at all.

  2. (idiomatic) Don't worry about it (response to worry or an apology)

conventional reply to expression of gratitude