
pignatta - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From pigna (pine cone), the initial shape of these pots.[1]

  • IPA(key): /piɲˈɲat.ta/
  • Rhymes: -atta
  • Hyphenation: pi‧gnàt‧ta

pignatta f (plural pignatte)

  1. (often earthenware) cooking pot
    Synonyms: pentola, tegame
  2. hollow block (for building)
  3. (Latin American culture) pinata (doll or other decorated container filled with candy)
    Synonym: pentolaccia
  1. ^ pignatta in Treccani.it – Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
  • Regional Italian for types of culinary pots: pignata (Sicily), pgnata (Emilia-Romagna), pignatta (Corsica)