en.wiktionary.orgpillé - Wiktionary, the free dictionary From Wiktionary, the free dictionary pillé vocative singular of pilli pillé (feminine pillée, masculine plural pillés, feminine plural pillées) past participle of piller Rhymes: -e IPA(key): (most of Spain and Latin America) /piˈʝe/ [piˈʝe] IPA(key): (rural northern Spain, Andes Mountains, Paraguay, Philippines) /piˈʎe/ [piˈʎe] IPA(key): (Buenos Aires and environs) /piˈʃe/ [piˈʃe] IPA(key): (elsewhere in Argentina and Uruguay) /piˈʒe/ [piˈʒe] Rhymes: -e Syllabification: pi‧llé pillé first-person singular preterite indicative of pillar