rest area - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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rest area (plural rest areas)
- A place, usually on a limited-access highway, where one can stop to use the restroom or to take a break from travelling.
rest area along a road
- Arabic: اِسْتِرَاحَة (istirāḥa)
- Catalan: àrea de servei (ca) f
- Chinese:
- Czech: odpočívadlo (cs) n
- Danish: rasteplads (da) c
- Dutch: verzorgingsplaats (nl) f
- Finnish: levähdysalue, levähdyspaikka (fi)
- French: aire d’autoroute (fr) f, aire de repos (fr) f, halte routière f (Quebec)
- German: Autobahnraststätte (de) f, Rasthof (de) m
- Hebrew: אזור שירות m (ezór sheirút)
- Hungarian: pihenőparkoló, pihenőhely (hu), pihenőterület, pihenőövezet, pihenő (hu)
- Indonesian: tempat istirahat
- Italian: area di servizio f, autogrill (it) m
- Japanese: サービスエリア (ja) (sābisu eria), 休憩所 (ja) (きゅうけいじょ, kyūkeijo)
- Korean: 휴게소(休憩所) (ko) (hyugeso)
- Malay: kawasan rehat
- Maori: whakangātanga
- Polish: miejsce obsługi podróżnych n, MOP (pl) n
- Portuguese: please add this translation if you can
- Russian: зо́на о́тдыха f (zóna ótdyxa), площа́дка для стоя́нки и о́тдыха f (ploščádka dlja stojánki i ótdyxa)
- Slovene: počivališče n
- Spanish: área de descanso f, área de servicio f
- Swedish: rastplats (sv) c
- Turkish: dinlenme tesisi