stiprs - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
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Derived from the verb stipt (“to become rigid, to harden”), from the same stem as stiept (“to stretch”) (q.v.); the (adjectivizing?) r (< *-ro) follows the pattern of stingt (“to harden, to stiffen”), stingrs (“firm, strong, strict”). Cognates include Lithuanian stiprùs, dialectal stìpras, Old Prussian postippin (“all”) (acc.), postippan (“all, entirely, completely”).[1]
stiprs (definite stiprais, comparative stiprāks, superlative visstiprākais, adverb stipri)
- strong (person, animal with great strength, who is physically well developed)
- stiprs puisis, vīrs ― strong guy, man
- stiprs kā lācis, kā lauva ― strong as a bear, as a lion
- stiprais dzimums ― the strong sex (i.e., men)
- stiprs zirgs ― strong horse
- (of body parts) strong (big, well developed)
- stiprs organisms ― strong organism
- stipri zobi ― strong teeth
- kas cilvēkam ir stiprāks: rokas vai kājas? ― what is stronger on a person: the arms or the legs?
- (of plants, their parts) strong, firm, hard, well developed, not weak, not brittle
- stiprs ozols ― strong, big oak
- stiprs zars ― strong, firm, big branch
- stipras saknes ― strong roots
- stiprs rieksts ― strong, hard nut
- (of actions, physiological processes) strong, extreme (which is done or happens with strength, energy, intensity)
- stiprs sitiens, tvēriens ― strong blow, grip
- stiprs kājas spēriens ― strong (leg) kick
- stipra piepūle ― strong effort
- stipras sāpes, graizes ― strong pain, colic
- stiprs nogurums ― extreme fatigue
- (of events) strong (of higher intensity than usual, when compared to other similar events)
- stiprs vējš, sals ― strong, heavy wind, frost
- stipri nokrišņi ― strong precipitation, rainfall
- stipra straume ― strong current, stream
- (of sounds, light) strong, intense
- stipras skaņas ― intense sounds
- stiprs troksnis ― intense noise
- lasīt stiprā balsī ― to read in a strong, loud voice
- stipra saules gaisma ― intense sunlight
- (of objects) strong, heavy, resistant, powerful, well built
- stiprs cirvis ― heavy ax
- stiprs žogs ― strong fence
- stipra celtne ― strong building
- stipri apavi ― strong shoes
- stipra klints ― strong rock
- stipra audums ― strong fabric
- (of equipment, machines, parts) strong (with great capacity, strength, intensity of effects)
- stiprs motors ― strong motor
- stipra spuldze ― strong light bulb
- (of activities) strong (well developed, organized)
- stipra zemkopība ― strong agriculture
- (of smells, substances, medicine) strong, irritating, having strong effect, influence on the organism
- stipra sveķu smarža ― strong smell of resin
- stiprs medikaments ― strong medicine
- stipra tabaka ― strong tobacco
- stipra inde ― strong poison
- (of solutions, broths) strong, thick (containing a relatively large proportion of ingredients, substances)
- stiprs šķīdums ― strong solution
- stiprs buljons ― strong, thick broth
- stiprs alkoholisks dzēriens ― strong alcoholic beverage
- stiprs vīns ― strong wine
- (of food, air) strong, hearty, healthy (which gives strength, energy, freshness)
- stipras brokastis ― strong, hearty breakfast
- stiprs pavasara gaiss ― strong, healthy spring air
- (of psychological and emotional states) strong (expressed intensively)
- stipra draudzība ― strong friendship
- stipras dusmas ― strong, intense anger
- stipras ilgas ― strong desire
- stiprs uztraukums ― intense excitement
- (of people, their personality) strong (capable of taking decisive action under difficult circumstances)
- stipra personība ― strong personality
- stiprs raksturs ― strong character
- (of people) strong (having deep knowledge of, skilled, experienced)
- matemātikā viņš bija stiprs ― in mathematics he is strong
- neesmu stiprs astronomijā ― I am not strong in astronomy
- (of ideas, viewpoints) strong (steady, unchanging)
- stipra pārliecība ― strong conviction
- stipra ticība ― strong belief, faith
- (of power, words) strong, powerful, influential, convincing
- stipra valsts vara ― strong state power
- stiprs arguments ― strong argument
- stiprs iebildums ― strong opposition
- (of words, expressions) strong, open, rude
- ezermalā sanāca vīru kompānijas, dzēra degvīnu, un neskopojās ar stipriem izteicieniem ― a group of men came by the lakeshore, drank voda, and didn't spare the strong words (lit. expressions)
- ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “stiprs”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN