
transom - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Middle English traunsom; probably an alteration of Latin trānstrum (crossbeam).

transom (plural transoms)

  1. (architecture) A crosspiece over a door; a lintel.
  2. (architecture) A horizontal glazing bar in a window.
  3. A transom window.
  4. (nautical) Any of several transverse structural members in a ship, especially at the stern; a thwart.
  5. (nautical) The flat or nearly flat stern of a boat or ship.
    a ship's transom (flat stern)
  6. The horizontal beam on a cross or gallows.
  7. (figuratively, usually attributively) Items that have arrived over the transom.

    We are overwhelmed with transom resumes.

    They only met the deadline by working most of the night and making a transom filing.

crosspiece over a door

horizontal dividing bar in a window

items that have arrived over the transom