
tyda - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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  1. simple past and past participle of tyde

From Old Norse þýða, from Proto-Germanic *þiudijaną.

tyda (present tense tyder, past tense tydde, past participle tydt/tydd, passive infinitive tydast, present participle tydande, imperative tyd)

  1. to interpret, decipher

    Kan du tyda dette for meg?

    Can you interpret this for me?
  2. to mean

    Kva skal dette tyda?

    What is this supposed to mean?
  3. to indicate

    Det er lite som tyder på at fienden deira gjorde det.

    There is little to indicate that their enemy did it.

From Old Swedish þȳþa, from Old Norse þýða, from Proto-Germanic *þiudijaną.

  • IPA(key): /²tyːda/, [²t̪ʰyːd̪a]

tyda (present tyder, preterite tydde, supine tytt, imperative tyd)

  1. to interpret; to understand the meaning of

    Kan du tyda min handstil?

    Can you understand my handwriting?

    Det var så mycket brus i signalen att ingen lyckades tyda den.

    There were so much noise in the signal that nobody managed to interpret it.
  2. to indicate; to give a hint about an otherwise unknown fact

    Det finns inget som tyder på att sjukdomen skulle ha förvärrats.

    There is nothing indicating that the illness would have gotten worse.