
uve - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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uve inan

  1. The name of the Latin-script letter V/v.
  • IPA(key): /ˈuʋeˣ/, [ˈuʋe̞(ʔ)]
  • Rhymes: -uʋe
  • Hyphenation(key): uve

From Proto-Finnic *uvëh (copmare Karelian uvehavanto, Ludian ubehlähte, Veps ubehlähte). Ultimately derived from Proto-Uralic *uwa (stream) with the suffix +‎ -e, either as an irregular retention form (compare vuo, vuotaa) or based on a stem re-loaned from early Samic (compare old Southern Sami uwe (stream)).[1]


  1. A hole in the ice of a lake or other body of water, created by water flowing from below the ice.
    Synonyms: uveavanto, uhkuavanto
    • 1859, August Ahlqvist, Muistelmia matkoilta Venäjällä vuosina 1854-1858, Viides kirja:

      Edellisten päivien leudot ilmat olivat vaikuttaneet sen, että Volgan jää oli syvän uve-veden vallassa – –

      The mild temperature of the previous days had had the effect of the ice on the Volga now being covered in deep water from the holes in it – –

Rarely inflected, as the word is usually only found in compounds.

From Proto-Finnic *ubëh. Cognate with Ingrian uve, Karelian uveh, Livvi uveh, Ludian ubeh and Veps ubeh.

uve (dialectal, poetic)

  1. stallion
    • 1903, Eino Leino, Helkavirsiä I, Pyhä Yrjänä:

      Kannusti uvetta urho, ajoi tapparan teriä, tuli Ruijan rantamalle, missä hyrskyi aalto hyinen, meri selkeä sinerti.

  1. ^ Aikio, Ante: On Germanic-Saami contacts and Saami prehistory. Helsinki: Suomalais-ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirja, 2006. Print.

From Proto-Finnic *ubëh. Cognates include dialectal Finnish uve and Veps ubeh.


  1. stallion
  2. villain, crook
Declension of uve (type 6/lähe, no gradation, gemination)
singular plural
nominative uve uvveet
genitive uvveen uvvein
partitive uvetta uvveita
illative uvveesse uvveisse
inessive uvvees uvveis
elative uvveest uvveist
allative uvveelle uvveille
adessive uvveel uvveil
ablative uvveelt uvveilt
translative uvveeks uvveiks
essive uvveenna, uvveen uvveinna, uvvein
exessive1) uvveent uvveint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.
  • (male horse): tamma (mare)
  • Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 626

uve f pl

  1. plural of uva

From Latin ubi.


  1. where
    Synonym: unde


  1. (interrogative) where, whereabouts

From u (u) ve (v), as in a recitation of the alphabet, to distinguish from the homophone be (b).

  • IPA(key): /ˈube/ [ˈu.β̞e]
  • Rhymes: -ube
  • Syllabification: u‧ve

uve f (plural uves)

  1. (Spain) The name of the Latin-script letter V/v.
    Synonyms: ve, ve corta, ve baja, ve chica, ve de vaca

ûvé class 11 (plural ízimvé class 10)

  1. African paradise-flycatcher
