
weekly - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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From Middle English wekely, weikly (adverb), equivalent to week +‎ -ly. Compare Dutch wekelijks (weekly), German wöchentlich (weekly), Danish ugentlig (weekly), Norwegian ukentlig (weekly), Icelandic vikulega (weekly), Swedish veckovis (weekly).

weekly (not comparable)

  1. Once every week.

    She visits her mother weekly.

  2. Every week.

once every week

every week

weekly (not comparable)

  1. Of or relating to a week.
  2. Happening once a week, or every week.

    He's going for his weekly check-up at the hospital.

    In summer, we cut the grass on a weekly basis.

of or relating to a week

happening once a week or every week

weekly (plural weeklies)

  1. A publication that is published once a week.

publication that is published once a week